According to Radha Swami teachings, what happens to the soul of a cat after its death?
replied to: Searching4answers
Replied to: According to Radha Swami teachings, what happens to the soul of...
I'll speak for myself, rather than on behalf of RSSB.
The soul of a cat or any other animal may go up or down the evolutionary 'ladder.'
However, why take the word of anyone? Why not try and obtain the answer from within yourself which will give you proof?
The question should be, what will happen to your soul after death - surely that is more important?
replied to: Fellowbrother
Replied to: I'll speak for myself, rather than on behalf of RSSB....
Thank you for your response. I believe in the reincarnation of a human being after they pass but never really gave much consideration to that of animals until the recent passing of my cat who I shared a special bond with for 15 years.
replied to: Searching4answers
Replied to: Thank you for your response. I believe in the reincarnation of...
Apologies for the tone of my earlier reply. Reading it back I sound very patronizing. Sorry.
The RSSB teachings do believe that all souls (whatever species/form they are) have a chance to rise up the evolutionary ladder and get a chance to incarnate into the body of a human being, with an eventual aim of going back home to the Lord/Universal Essence/Spirit.
I'm sorry for your loss. Hopefully, your cat had a strong attachment to you, and you in turn have a strong attachment to the Lord - meaning that, according to the RSSB teachings, the cat will (eventually) follow wherever you go. Hope this helps you in some small way.
With warm and loving best wishes.