Aubrey de Grey
De Grey - the rap hasn't changed
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Aubrey has been rattling on now almost ten years, using the same charts. Every now and then he lets slip some vital information that reveals how much of a wanker he is. For example in a video made for the Millard Foundation we witness de Grey's prattle about how incompletely metabolism is understood, that the field is shaded in ignorance. Rather than advance the field so that the causes of aging might be understood in these terms, de Grey drones on about free radicals as part of aging, the corrosive part of metabolism that nobody understands well anyway, and how it needs to be replaced by extensive and highly expensive technical fixes of an ad hoc nature as one fights a rear-guard action upon the encroachments of decrepitude. Certainly not the kind of thing that will have any demographic significance, the very thing the Millard Foundation is looking for.

de Grey, the 21st century shaman, admits to knowing enough about metabolism to know it is not the answer, at the same time making statements about things like how oxidation is an important part of metabolism, that suggest he has no understanding of either electrochemistry or metabolism, and thinks all catabolism is due to oxidation. I predict that unless his SENS program changes its strategy and focus, we will continue to hear Aubrey's rap for another ten years, and then he will be gone. And we will still have nothing regenerative.