String theory
Dark Matter/Dark Force
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Galaxies appear to form where Dark Matter clumps up and surrounds normal matter, holding the galaxies together, in a way, gravitationally. The Dark Force appears to be increasing as the universe go older, pushing the galaxies further apart in it's repulsive way. What if the galaxies spinning inside their shroud of DM are actually creating DF like a generator creates electricity? Could DF be, in fact, anti-gravitons, to balance the symmetry of gravitons?
replied to:  wwsmith23
Replied to:  Galaxies appear to form where Dark Matter clumps up and surrounds...
Reply to wwsmith23,

Anti-gravity doesn't exist. Saying anti-gravitons exist is like saying anti-photons do- "anti-light" doesn't exist. In my opinion (not "science-approved"), Dark Matter exists as neutrons. However, two kinds of these must exist: 1)"exo-neutrons", with electrons upon their outsides(known); and 2)"endo-neutrons" (unknown), with electrons "inside". I think these would be discovered if electrons were fired at protons in the most advanced, powerful accelerators. Endo-neutrons make up both Dark Matter and Energy. They have gravity and spin. With the first, they make up its matter and the second, its energy. By the latter, I mean spin both attracts and repels. It and orbit make up the magnetic force. The galaxies repel each other because of opposed spins(rotations), except for our Local Group, consisting of Andromeda, the Milky Way, and Triangulum. These attract because of gravity and their complementary rotations. The LG's galaxies have "inverted" to each other over time from when they first repelled apart.

replied to:  quarklet8
Replied to:  Reply to wwsmith23, Anti-gravity doesn't exist. Saying anti-gravitons exist...
Beautifully described. You sound like the Theory I have about Gravity; Its so simple. I think gravity is a byproduct of the other Forces. Maybe even other byproducts of the Strong, Weak, and Electromagnetic could produce the Dark Energy in Deep Space where things are uncertain like the atoms you described....
replied to:  GJCsima
Replied to:  Beautifully described. You sound like the Theory I have about...

Thanks for your kind words!

Now, to my many other admirers (:-) :

Today, 10-13-13, two years after the previous reply, I return to "Absolute" to review what I wrote, my responses to and from others, and to rest from my adventures in the tempests of other sea here in this more peaceful port...

My thinking on "anti-gravity" has changed since then and reviewing what I thought gives me a timeline showing me from whence I came. Dark Matter and Energy are still mysteries for all of us and even amateurs, including myself, want to understand it. In my previous response (to Smith), I denied the possibility of anti-gravity (even though the universe flies apart). This was due to my readings of the professionals. Their opinions were that gravity hadn't an opposite. Thus, I thought only gravitons and not anti-gravitons could be. I thought the same of light (thus, no anti-photons). I thought energy particles couldn't oppose themselves. But this belied galaxies speeding away from each other as if mutually repelled by anti-gravity. So, I chose to look at the anti-gravity question from a positive viewpoint to assess its possibility.

First, could gravity and light have anti-particles? What if energy was as symmetric as matter versus anti-matter and waves were mutual cancelations between "pro" and "anti- " ? This might help explain mutual galaxy repulsion. But this was only a small part of the greater Dark Mystery...

Dark Matter must be neutrons but how could this be if they split apart after fifteen
minutes? Perhaps the Weak Force, which is what splits them, only does so around stars but not in interstellar Space due to a scarcity of W's and Z's (its carrier particles). But perhaps another explanation exists.

Maybe Dark Matter can't be explained without doing so with Dark Energy. To do so, a gravitational field must be divided into three "zones of interaction": a negative, where galaxies repell (inter-galactic); the second positive, (near galaxy centers); and in-between (beyond galactic centers) where the zone would be neutral. Zones would exist because matter polarizes Space and within a "neutral zone" neutrons would be as permanent as protons...

But why would matter polarize Space? Because it must be made of positive and negative charges. It must have particles which then make up those within atoms (protons, neutrons, and electrons). Atoms would be made of atoms. Then the rotations and orbits of these would generate the charges and spins of the atomic particles. Gravity would be their surlpus magnetism.

This would create "positive" (attractive) gravity near bodies (gravity would be inversely proportional to distance from them); very far away from bodies, Space would be balanced between positive and negative particles (therefore attractive and repulsive) and gravity
would be a constant speed or even an increase at a medium to far distance from a body; and then very far from a body, gravity would become repulsive (beyond the MW''s Local Group). This change to negative would then be why the universe expands.

Because a gravitational field has three states, matter would behave according to whichever zone particles are in. This would affect how and whether WF W's and Z's work and even why matter rather than anti-matter prevails...
