The people of the United States are beginning to rise up in a effort to keep our own government from destroying this country! Big , progressive government has bankrupted the greatest nation on Earth by trying to be all things to everyone on Earth! Darfur is unfortunately a perfect example of "world progressives" believing that the US is responsible for feeding these people and somehow supplying a modern society to a people that refuse to help themselves! It is time that Americans worry about themselves, we have no responsibility to sacrifice ourselves for other nations, particularly since most of these "trouble spots" hate the US! There is nothing wrong with"self" , Americans deserve the fruits of their "stable society" and the riches that they alone have produced! The American "federal gov't" must not make the mistake of attempting to intervene on either side , this is just another part of the world that is reaping the results of their own actions and no one, repeat, no one can tell me that it is good policy for Americans to drive up food prices on themselves by feeding millions of folks who claim they're starving, yet have no problem acquiring the weapons to commit "genocide"! The bottom line is an intelligent, non suicidal American citizenry has repudiated the insanity of world "socialist-progressivism" , an ideology that calls for the rape of developed countries while rogue, self anointed "elitists" like obama, Al gore, and George Soros seek to pull of the biggest extortion plot in the history of mankind! "Progressive "elites" are the greatest scourge to ever stain the Earth because they have no loyalties , no nationalities, no humanity, their only oxygen is the ability to control and dominate humanity!