On Dec/12/11 I went to SDM to mail a letter, I am a senior. On my way up the isle I decided to get some soft drinks. I aslo picked some shrimp rings and proceeded to the checkout,a young man was in front of me and was checked out. I approached the cash and the female clerk put heer hand up to my face, and said"oh no , I cant take you here, the lady over there has been waiting longer then you. The main checkout had five people in that one. I was in line @ the other behind the young man. I was so embarrassed and humiliated I proceeded to the other checkout and finally feeling embarrassed I placed my things down and left the store. I phoned the SDM , spoke with the mgr . I believe the girl was having a bad day. She said something about it being Christmas and busy and so on, so what . A senior or any other peerson shouldn't be treated like that.Christmas or any other time of the year, if she was having a bad day she should have stayed home.I would appreciaate yooour feedback on this incident.