The Divine Embryo:
Are the creationists more right than evolutionists?
we are in the process of becoming the god who will fill the information in the next cosmic egg for the existence and evolution of the next universe.
Continued maintainence of a unique location, &/or structure,&/or behavior are the attributes needed by different entities to express their existence.This ‘Attribute’of existence’ is the only essential and permanent religion for all entities to exist.
‘Human Religions’ arose when the mind tumbled in to’choas’needed for freewill, and reacted to get located, &/or behaved, &/or structured predictably. Therefore religious and sociopolitical philosophies tended to become fundamentalistic,fetteristic,rigid,fascist,blind,certainistic,involuntary,ritualistic and a uniquely prejudiced fetish of man.Such force identified order, but like other entities of creation the permanence of attributes of ‘human religion’ was illusion. Because acceleratingly expanding cosmos prevented immutable existence. Untransformable entities became history and the rest mutated to the future.
Intermingling of chaos with order quantizes existence, and people gravitated to their religions past quanta of ‘becoming’, conceiving the doctrines of their upbringing as immutable dogmas. They violently opposed the motion of the universe from mutating their religion to a future quanta of existence.
Religion occurs from change required for future survival. Involuntary religion is focused by the motile universe inside and outside body as’will’.'Freewill’ exists whenever gravity of the process of ‘will’ is reduced letting discovery of alternate ‘wills’.Skepticism and imagination are necessary for making discoveries and inventions.Randomness untamed the mind of man from ‘ will’ enforced by the universe inside and outside man to provide him with freewill.Freewill causes skepticism and imagination which is highly developed anthropoid character making man the sapiens sapiens ape. When chaos induces ‘freewill’ in the mind, then other orders and innovations are seen which may be more useful than the present for our survival.
Chaos exists in all the minds which ‘better’ existence by choosing better orders and inventions for mankind. Messengers of new religious and/or sociopolitical orders were created as a reaction to the terrorism of the old orders. Intentionally inflicting pain and/or death and/or disruption for forcible establishment or growth or survival of one’s beliefs is terrorism. Forcing religious order through terrorism typified religious terrorism. Social terrorism is typified by Maoist naxalites.Nationalism and regionalism was Political terrorism. Terrorism was a part and parcel of human sociopolitical, religious and ethnic development. Highly motivated and disciplined individuals fascist for a particular belief tend to commit acts of terrorism.
All religions acted by creating prejudiced orders for leading life and understanding the cosmos. Prejudices were necessary to form an operating system for the mind which sieved out order from an infinite and fatally random universe. Irrespective of the type of prejudices whether idolatry or revealed books or any other, benefits for the faithful were equal. The cavemen prejudicingly drew pictures of a successful hunt on selected spots of cave walls and special stones inside deep, dark, narrow crevices of difficult to reach caves. This gave them confidence, concentration, motivation and discipline for big dangerous hunts 80 millennia ago.
Intermingling of chaos with order makes this cosmos and increases diversity of entities with their novel religions. To be free of sociopolitical and religious terrorism everyone should have similar sociopolitical and religious beliefs.
Man is the nearest Godly thing because no one has travelled from the future or past or any other part of the universe to guide or rule us. God is destiny of man because practically intelligent life exists only on Earth. Individual human beings are living units of embryo of god and are required to organize themselves through morally right interactions for his manifestation.God defines morality because he is the destiny and target of universal evolution.Morals are codes of behavior required from an individual living unit of a living organization, essential for survival &/or growth of the living organization of which the individual living unit is a member.Except man all other animals in general are almost absolutely moral at present as their moralities are genetically predetermined. The enhanced capacity of freewill in man gives him the capacity of being immoral. When a person fuses his self with that of the whole humanity (which itself is part of the biosphere) & behaves accordingly for the survival &/or growth of all humanity and all life then he behaves morally. Adoption of such a morality by all men is an essential step for the evolution of god. Manifestation of the self of humanity is God.
Presently we only know that all energy has come out of a singularity or the cosmic egg.Now the conditions of an entity after its birth and before it’s death constitute the life of that entity.Birth and death are subjective concepts because the meaning of life is transformation. And transformation existed even before the conceived point of birth and will continue even after the conceived point of death.These conceived points of birth and death can be different in different contexts and for different subjects. The causal effects in this universe form a continuum and life is subjective view of one part of this transformation continuum. So the singularity of the Big Bang most probably existed because a previous universe existed. Absolute nonexistence i.e non existence in spacetime, in singularity,in memory, in thoughts, in possible ideas and imaginations, with no particles or symbols or any other form of energy, matter or force traces associated ever and anywhere in space time or singularity or multiverse with the destruct body, and with no possibility of it being talked about or chance of coming in to existence would be ultimate destruction or NOTHINGNESS, but this is simply not possible because the destroying agency itself will have to become non existent so that no associates of the destroyed body exists,not even the brain which thought and knew about this destruction, not even the time and space which was associated with the absent body or freed by the absence of the body should exist. And so this previous universe came from a still previous universe and so on infinitely.
In conclusion we are in the process of becoming the god who will fill the information in the next cosmic egg for the existence and evolution of the next universe.WE ARE OUR SELF THE REASON BEHIND OUR EXISTENCE.
All disturbances are immortal because energy is immortal and so consciousness is immortal and immortality has sense only when it is infinite. At the end of time of the present universe all consciousnesses which ever occured since the birth of the present universe will have their influence in filling the next cosmic egg with the information for the existence and evolution of the next universe.
God is able to recreate himself again and again through the infinite consciousness packed in the cosmic egg.
Science does not say that God does not exist. The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics indicates that true or near true randomness exists, if true randomness exists, then everything imaginable and not imaginable becomes possible, including God/Gods. But if near true randomness exists, it means that their is an agency which has predetermined our existence & evolution at least from the mass level which lies somewhere between quantum mechanic level and relativistic mechanic level of existence.I suspect that the ultimate products of human evolution will be the agency which will predetermine the existence and evolution of the next universe.
addendum:-"The laws that concern creation and destruction as we know it may or may not have existed before a few milliseconds into the Big Bang, but even the word "before" loses meaning at that point. Different laws existed "before" then."--Now this observation is a result of true chaos existing in the singularity previous to those few milliseconds,because only in such a scenario the maths of probability and statistics fails.Not different laws, infact, no laws existed in the singularity chaos.The evidence that singularity chaos consisted of infinite consciousness comes from the fact that,consciousness un tamed by the universe inside and outside us expresses true randomness (physiological and biochemical changes occur in our body both voluntarily as well as involuntarily.The voluntary component of our bodies are stimulated by the environment external to the body while the autonomic nervous system behavior is involuntary and innate property unique for the individual organism.This involuntariness increases to its maximum in the brain during R.E.M sleep,when thoughts and other sensations occur in our brains without our control and so almost truly randomly.A living brain excised from a body devoid of any afferent nervous connections and supplied by synthetic(hormone less)blood should show truly random EEG.Their is a universe inside us because time and space are practically infinitely divisible). After those few milliseconds,the randomness becomes near true randomness and so comes within the scope of quantum mechanics and later it becomes very imperceptible in Newtonian mechanics, finally disappearing in relativistic mechanics.
Are the creationists more right than evolutionists?
we are in the process of becoming the god who will fill the information in the next cosmic egg for the existence and evolution of the next universe.
Continued maintainence of a unique location, &/or structure,&/or behavior are the attributes needed by different entities to express their existence.This ‘Attribute’of existence’ is the only essential and permanent religion for all entities to exist.
‘Human Religions’ arose when the mind tumbled in to’choas’needed for freewill, and reacted to get located, &/or behaved, &/or structured predictably. Therefore religious and sociopolitical philosophies tended to become fundamentalistic,fetteristic,rigid,fascist,blind,certainistic,involuntary,ritualistic and a uniquely prejudiced fetish of man.Such force identified order, but like other entities of creation the permanence of attributes of ‘human religion’ was illusion. Because acceleratingly expanding cosmos prevented immutable existence. Untransformable entities became history and the rest mutated to the future.
Intermingling of chaos with order quantizes existence, and people gravitated to their religions past quanta of ‘becoming’, conceiving the doctrines of their upbringing as immutable dogmas. They violently opposed the motion of the universe from mutating their religion to a future quanta of existence.
Religion occurs from change required for future survival. Involuntary religion is focused by the motile universe inside and outside body as’will’.'Freewill’ exists whenever gravity of the process of ‘will’ is reduced letting discovery of alternate ‘wills’.Skepticism and imagination are necessary for making discoveries and inventions.Randomness untamed the mind of man from ‘ will’ enforced by the universe inside and outside man to provide him with freewill.Freewill causes skepticism and imagination which is highly developed anthropoid character making man the sapiens sapiens ape. When chaos induces ‘freewill’ in the mind, then other orders and innovations are seen which may be more useful than the present for our survival.
Chaos exists in all the minds which ‘better’ existence by choosing better orders and inventions for mankind. Messengers of new religious and/or sociopolitical orders were created as a reaction to the terrorism of the old orders. Intentionally inflicting pain and/or death and/or disruption for forcible establishment or growth or survival of one’s beliefs is terrorism. Forcing religious order through terrorism typified religious terrorism. Social terrorism is typified by Maoist naxalites.Nationalism and regionalism was Political terrorism. Terrorism was a part and parcel of human sociopolitical, religious and ethnic development. Highly motivated and disciplined individuals fascist for a particular belief tend to commit acts of terrorism.
All religions acted by creating prejudiced orders for leading life and understanding the cosmos. Prejudices were necessary to form an operating system for the mind which sieved out order from an infinite and fatally random universe. Irrespective of the type of prejudices whether idolatry or revealed books or any other, benefits for the faithful were equal. The cavemen prejudicingly drew pictures of a successful hunt on selected spots of cave walls and special stones inside deep, dark, narrow crevices of difficult to reach caves. This gave them confidence, concentration, motivation and discipline for big dangerous hunts 80 millennia ago.
Intermingling of chaos with order makes this cosmos and increases diversity of entities with their novel religions. To be free of sociopolitical and religious terrorism everyone should have similar sociopolitical and religious beliefs.
Man is the nearest Godly thing because no one has travelled from the future or past or any other part of the universe to guide or rule us. God is destiny of man because practically intelligent life exists only on Earth. Individual human beings are living units of embryo of god and are required to organize themselves through morally right interactions for his manifestation.God defines morality because he is the destiny and target of universal evolution.Morals are codes of behavior required from an individual living unit of a living organization, essential for survival &/or growth of the living organization of which the individual living unit is a member.Except man all other animals in general are almost absolutely moral at present as their moralities are genetically predetermined. The enhanced capacity of freewill in man gives him the capacity of being immoral. When a person fuses his self with that of the whole humanity (which itself is part of the biosphere) & behaves accordingly for the survival &/or growth of all humanity and all life then he behaves morally. Adoption of such a morality by all men is an essential step for the evolution of god. Manifestation of the self of humanity is God.
Presently we only know that all energy has come out of a singularity or the cosmic egg.Now the conditions of an entity after its birth and before it’s death constitute the life of that entity.Birth and death are subjective concepts because the meaning of life is transformation. And transformation existed even before the conceived point of birth and will continue even after the conceived point of death.These conceived points of birth and death can be different in different contexts and for different subjects. The causal effects in this universe form a continuum and life is subjective view of one part of this transformation continuum. So the singularity of the Big Bang most probably existed because a previous universe existed. Absolute nonexistence i.e non existence in spacetime, in singularity,in memory, in thoughts, in possible ideas and imaginations, with no particles or symbols or any other form of energy, matter or force traces associated ever and anywhere in space time or singularity or multiverse with the destruct body, and with no possibility of it being talked about or chance of coming in to existence would be ultimate destruction or NOTHINGNESS, but this is simply not possible because the destroying agency itself will have to become non existent so that no associates of the destroyed body exists,not even the brain which thought and knew about this destruction, not even the time and space which was associated with the absent body or freed by the absence of the body should exist. And so this previous universe came from a still previous universe and so on infinitely.
In conclusion we are in the process of becoming the god who will fill the information in the next cosmic egg for the existence and evolution of the next universe.WE ARE OUR SELF THE REASON BEHIND OUR EXISTENCE.
All disturbances are immortal because energy is immortal and so consciousness is immortal and immortality has sense only when it is infinite. At the end of time of the present universe all consciousnesses which ever occured since the birth of the present universe will have their influence in filling the next cosmic egg with the information for the existence and evolution of the next universe.
God is able to recreate himself again and again through the infinite consciousness packed in the cosmic egg.
Science does not say that God does not exist. The uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics indicates that true or near true randomness exists, if true randomness exists, then everything imaginable and not imaginable becomes possible, including God/Gods. But if near true randomness exists, it means that their is an agency which has predetermined our existence & evolution at least from the mass level which lies somewhere between quantum mechanic level and relativistic mechanic level of existence.I suspect that the ultimate products of human evolution will be the agency which will predetermine the existence and evolution of the next universe.
addendum:-"The laws that concern creation and destruction as we know it may or may not have existed before a few milliseconds into the Big Bang, but even the word "before" loses meaning at that point. Different laws existed "before" then."--Now this observation is a result of true chaos existing in the singularity previous to those few milliseconds,because only in such a scenario the maths of probability and statistics fails.Not different laws, infact, no laws existed in the singularity chaos.The evidence that singularity chaos consisted of infinite consciousness comes from the fact that,consciousness un tamed by the universe inside and outside us expresses true randomness (physiological and biochemical changes occur in our body both voluntarily as well as involuntarily.The voluntary component of our bodies are stimulated by the environment external to the body while the autonomic nervous system behavior is involuntary and innate property unique for the individual organism.This involuntariness increases to its maximum in the brain during R.E.M sleep,when thoughts and other sensations occur in our brains without our control and so almost truly randomly.A living brain excised from a body devoid of any afferent nervous connections and supplied by synthetic(hormone less)blood should show truly random EEG.Their is a universe inside us because time and space are practically infinitely divisible). After those few milliseconds,the randomness becomes near true randomness and so comes within the scope of quantum mechanics and later it becomes very imperceptible in Newtonian mechanics, finally disappearing in relativistic mechanics.