Could it be true, that the brand name Aquafina, was thought of in the back yard of a teenager that lived in Arizona.who first thought it good to call it hose water, but later decided to call it aquafina. At the same time a diffirant water was thought of in the same yard to cool Hot Donna.
That child contacted Pepsico to bottle such product and would only have it to be manufactured monday through friday so his manservant or maidservant could as well have one day to work to prepair themselves, and one day to rest for the begining of the next week.That child had a mother that worked all the time and was hardly home to raise his two sisters as well as himself. that teenaged child had no money so he asked if they would up the front money to produce the product and he would expect 2 cents per bottle manufactured sold at retail or wholesale market, and some how comunications between them got cut off. yet the product got produced and the teen received no compinsation for his thought and attempt. all taking place in the early to mid 80s?
That child contacted Pepsico to bottle such product and would only have it to be manufactured monday through friday so his manservant or maidservant could as well have one day to work to prepair themselves, and one day to rest for the begining of the next week.That child had a mother that worked all the time and was hardly home to raise his two sisters as well as himself. that teenaged child had no money so he asked if they would up the front money to produce the product and he would expect 2 cents per bottle manufactured sold at retail or wholesale market, and some how comunications between them got cut off. yet the product got produced and the teen received no compinsation for his thought and attempt. all taking place in the early to mid 80s?