5/{Im running through streets,over opsticles,bombs,fields,people falling to the ground,im running past them,there flesh burnt by the sun,my dr saying things about God.Wierd i know.Vacant buildings,im running throug,with a young boy.Family ,friend,that were dead,alive again,im preaching to them,about Jesus Christ.Im running over bridges ect.i think in states.}{Do you realize,ive never been there.}yet}In revelation 12,it talks of this woman,in distant land.she mounts up,with wings of an eagle,to distant land,prepared for her by God.This vision is the tribulation time.The prepared of God,distant land,is a ministry,leaders who protect her.She has resteration time,more teaching from,the man of God,sent for her,leaders.as {I mentioned in beginning,of my testimony.}{I will be prepared for future events,become stronger,healed,from major persicution,my jurney so far.this teacher fromGod,is rev peter popoff,also don stewart,these prophets are the two written in the bible,in revelations 11.where God says,if anyone harms these two witnesses will die.So they are good men,right.It would make sence,for the chosenwoman,to have these teachers ,or witnesess from God.}{Right?}.