I'm trying to learn about the Nuns that are now living in the Novodevichy Convent. I don't know if they speak English or can be contacted by EMail.
I live in the USA in the state of Maine. I'm a writer and visual artist and am fascinated by the history of the convent and the Novodevichy Cemetery. I would like my next work to be a play -- set design to include an abstraction of the convent and cemetery. Perhaps dialog -- centered around those who are buried there talking to each other. A conversation between early Spiritual leaders, Anton Chekhov, Nicolai Gogol and Nikita Khrushchev as an example.
What has changed? What remains the same? What will never change?
It is a global concern now. I wonder if the theatre could shine a small light on . . . what? I'm just beginning to think about this project. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I'm in awe of the work being done presently by Barbara-Marie Drezhlo on contemporary spiritual concerns.