Look at this way, cloning could have tremendous scientific impact on people. Lets suppose we took two people who were totally in love since they got married. Then they both died in their 80s. We could clone the both of them and observe if this occurred again (the love I mean). Then we would have more knowledge about the boy-girl thing. But the girl clone might grow up to be a colossal bitch in which case the male clown -- i mean clone, would have trouble loving her. Then again the male clone might have develped dringing and gambling sickness which tends to stoke the female bitch. See what i mean? We should not deny science the means with which to perform these experiments. Its good for our knowledge. I see school children writing essays about it and news commentators telling about the latest developments. Forget "The Enquirer", they would have a blast with it.
replied to: andrew99
Replied to: Look at this way, cloning could have tremendous scientific impact on...
we might learn more about human DNA in cloning it might even start a Bio Tech revoluition semiler to the industreal revolution some contre some ware will try it as far as i can tell cloning is a when not an if
replied to: j0n1
Replied to: we might learn more about human DNA in cloning it...
Your right
replied to: andrew99
Replied to: Look at this way, cloning could have tremendous scientific impact on...
Oh andy...you are so twisted
look, i was wondering what you thought bout the synthetic life thing...WAY scarier than cloning...who knows what they're going to come up with huh?
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Oh andy...you are so twisted
look, i was wondering what...
The whole human sactatey thing was crosed a long time ago with abortion. there is no turning back. we took alot of human life out of exestence because of an iresposable mother. (oh maybe we should add abourtion docters to the top ten genocides) why cant we put in what we took out ? mabe a child whould be rased in better codishon as the center of ation for a Bio thec than an uncaring mother whos just wiling to get rid of there child just with an apontment weth a murderwer we whont know tell we try.( parden spelling and gramer)
replied to: j0n1
Replied to: The whole human sactatey thing was crosed a long time ago...
Dude...spell check...it comes with every computer
beyond that...so...what does human cloning and synthetic life have to do with abortion?
what I can read of your...argument... sounds a lot like moralizing. Has your life been so perfect that you can judge another?
God will judge friend and the world would be a much better place if certain people would worry more about their own actions and lives and let Him take care of peoples' sins and souls.
all this ranting and raving about other people's sins being the cause of the 'trouble in the world today' shows a distinct lack of introspection on the part of the ranters and ravers.
fix your own house and leave your neighbor's house alone
oh yeah...if you haven't got something nice to say..then shut your face...
replied to: Theman
Replied to: I love you guys
I love u guys too
replied to: andrew99
Replied to: Look at this way, cloning could have tremendous scientific impact on...
Ru nurd Andy
replied to: andrew99
Replied to: Look at this way, cloning could have tremendous scientific impact on...
It's so complicated! And why do you do it in the first place if it's so complicated?
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Dude...spell check...it comes with every computer
beyond that...so...what does human...
Right on, brother.
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Dude...spell check...it comes with every computer
beyond that...so...what does human...
:D <3
I disagree with cloning.
Let life and nature be.
Let it be, let it be, let it be!