To the Gay Community of the Church,
I'm working on a class project for a college course and really need your assistance. I'd like to conduct a Survey by asking several questions to several gay couples. I plan to compile the data and make a report to the class. It would really be neat if I could turn this into a long-term project and be of benefit to the whole Gay Community, maybe even throughout the USA. I promise to keep all information collected in complete confidence; as a matter of fact, I really don't even want your last name, address, etc so as to protect everyone. Just in case you're interested, I'll leave room for your particular favorite topic, including politics or whatever.
Please help me out by responding to my ad. It would be ideal if I could get information from several couples, one from both genders and from the various age groups, say in their twenties, thirties, forties and fifties. It might even be more thorough to cover the spectrum of conservative to liberal, those with a church membership and those just enjoying life to the fullest. I might be missing a major group representing a sector of which I'm not aware. Respond and we can discuss. I'm in the formative stage right now and could accommodate your special concerns. Thanks in advance for participating. God Bless you all.
Please reply to all responses will be kept confidential. If interested in completing survey I will email it to you upon receipt of your reply. Thanks again for your time and assistance.
Rowdy :-)
replied to: Rowdy123
Replied to: To the Gay Community of the Church,
I'm working on...
Reaching Out to the Gay Community; Ending Misunderstandings
This questionnaire is conducted with your complete confidence in tact. I won't share the details of your lifestyle with anyone. The total amount of information as a summary will be used to advocate a better life for you and your community. I truly do have your best interests at heart. Remember, this will all be anonymous from everyone with no ID info or address, etc.
List of Questions for Gay Community:
1. Are you happy with life? ___ Yes/No How long have you been with your current Partner? _______ Do you anticipate being with this person for the rest of your life? ___ Y/N How was your life at school while young? ________________ Do you have children? _____Y/N Wish to have any? ____Y/N By surrogate birth or adoption? ____ B/A Are you a member of some religious group? ____Y/N How important is your relationship with God? __________________
2. Have you ever experienced any form of persecution for your lifestyle? ____Y/N Do you have any friends that have suffered at the hands of other people? ____Y/N For example, verbal abuse, loss of job, discrimination at the job, being turned away at a place of business.
3. Have you suffered any form of disease or do you have any friends that have suffered any such sickness or disease? ___Y/N Are you/they seeking help or assistance from a doctor?___Y/N Have you/they had difficulty in getting support from these folks? ___Y/N Please describe briefly: ___________________________________________________
4. When did you first begin to think that you were going to follow this kind of lifestyle? ________How old were you? ______ Did you have difficulty in discussing this with your parents? ___Y/N Did you seek advice from anyone else? ___Y/N Did you do any reading on the subject? ___Y/N If so, what did you think of that guidance? ___________What's your response to God's Position in the Bible (ie 1 Cor 6:9) on homosexuals? _________ How about your Partner? ________________.
5. Do you have difficulty with communicating with your Partner, either by speech or by body language? ___Y/N Did you have difficulty learning this new way of communicating upon first starting out in this new lifestyle as a young person? ___Y/N Does it continue to be difficult or is it getting easier? ________ How about with your friends and acquaintances? __________Do you check some source of info for updates, ie Internet, Facebook? ___Y/N
6. Have you ever contacted your Government representative(s) in an attempt to get them to do something for you or pursue some specific legislature? ___Y/N Have you thought about taking steps to consummate your relationship with your Partner for the long term? ___Y/N How does he/she feel about this subject?_______________________
7. How many different areas of the US or the world have you traveled? __________Which is your favorite? _____________Were they more or less tolerate of your lifestyle? ________ Do you have any regrets? ___Y/N Do you wish you had stayed or would you like to keep moving and experiencing different parts of the US/world? _______________
8. Do you have periods of depression or deep regret about your life? ___Y/N If so, have you sought out counseling from some friend or confidant, maybe your minister? ___Y/N If so, what did they say? __________ What did you think of their advice? ___________Did you seek someone else's advice? ___Y/N Did you like it a little better? ___Y/N Does your mood fluctuate somewhat or are you pretty much the same throughout the day? ____________
9. Do you still have a relationship with your family, parents & siblings? ___Y/N Are they ashamed of you or have they accepted you as you are? __________ Are you closer to one family member than the others? ___Y/N Do the other family members resent the relationship you have with this one close member? ___Y/N Is this person of the same or opposite gender to yourself?___S/O
10. Do you enjoy going out with your Partner and friends or do you prefer to spend most of your time at home? __________Does your Partner feel the same way? ___Y/N Do you two have occasional arguments about this or any other subject? ___Y/N If so, how do you resolve them? _____________Do you pray in your home? ___Y/N Are you a member of a church ___ Y/N
11. Would you rather watch TV, read a good book, spend time on the computer or at a party with friends, either in your home or theirs? ______________Do you have straight friends? ___Y/N If so, how much time do you spend with them? __________ Ever have disagreements with them about anything? ___Y/N Have you made up? ___Y/N Did you have second thoughts? ____ Y/N
12. In a Gathering; have you noticed the "clustering" of groups, one for females and one for males? ___Y/N Does the opposite sex ever join into the main group for a common cause? ___Y/N Is there difficulties in this area? ___Y/N ie Do females try to exert more influence than reflected in the past? ___Y/N Why does this trend happen? ____________ What, if anything, do the males do to exert their role/influence in a joint meeting? _____________ Generally in your opinion, do the males and females of the Gay Community get along with each other? ____ Y/N If not, please cite the major areas of difficulties ______________________________
13. Who has the authority to arrange priorities and speak for the whole Gay Community? __________Is there a consensus, discussions held, nominations made? ___Y/N Is there usually wide acceptance? ___Y/N Is there some unrest and resentment, anger and frustration from some dissenters? ___Y/N How outspoken are they? __________ How does the Gay Community of your local area influence the politics of the whole country? ______________How successful, in your opinion? ______________
14. For the Dominant Partner: Do you really enjoy being the Dominant Partner? ___Y/N Occasionally would you like to exchange with your Partner in this role? ___Y/N Are there certain aspects such as dress, mannerisms that you dislike about your role? ___Y/N Does your partner do their fair share of chores and responsibilities of the home? ___Y/N Do you find it necessary to keep secrets from your partner? ___Y/N
15. For the Submissive Parter: Do you really enjoy being the Submissive Partner? ___Y/N Occasionally would you like to exchange with your Partner in this role? ___Y/N Are there certain aspects such as dress, mannerisms that you dislike about your role? ___Y/N Does your partner do their fair share of chores and responsibilities of the home? ___Y/N Do you find it necessary to keep secrets from your partner? ___Y/N
16. Anything else? Please add another brief section w/your comments. Thanks again for your input.
BTW, if you need to send the completion of this Survey, keeping certain responses, like Item 14/15 in a confidential mode, just E-Mail it to my address as indicated in my original post, it is
Rowdy :-)
PS: I need to wrap this up so as to assemble the data into a report and present it to my class and my instructor so I'll keep checking. Request your responses as soon as you can. IF there's some particular question you find offensive, please just skip it and move on the next one. Thanks for your patience and your support.