Hello all interested: I have lived here in Yuma for almost 33 years, about 16 years ago I decided to start swimming for excercise at the local pools, Carver and Marcus according to the seasons, I never had any problems with the temperature of the waters until recently mabey in pas two years, the city says it cost about $7000 a week or a month to heat the water to a temperature that is suitable to (Me) and a few other seniors. It used to be at 86 degrees sometimes 88 degrees which is ideal. in the last few months and a year or so the city parks and rec department lowered the water temps to 82 which too me is cold, especially in the winter time when the winds blow. I havent been to a swim in over five months because of the water temps. I have a military service connected disability and I am prone to Head colds and respiratory problems along with Pneumonia, my doctor says swimming is a good excercise but stay warm and out of the elements dont get a chill dont catch pneumonia. there are about 8 of us who attend the pool when the temps are right. the parks people say that the lap swimmers and the swim teams like the water cold, so they keep it that because they claim it saves money and the swimmers claim they swim better in cold water. What about us seniors who dont belong to a polar bear club, and I am not going to wear a wet suit either...............Soon...............Dennis