Townsville Showgrounds is a very nasty violent venue with nasty violent criminals like Chris Condon the Showground Manager there... WOULD YOU TAKE YOUR FAMILY OR CHILDREN THERE.
Chris Condon is a gangster and nasty thug who has a history of viscious violence and he has been arrested at least 8 times for assaulting innocent persons, mostly elderly men, some pensioners.
Why the Townsville Show Society employ a viscious nasty criminal like Chris Condon is a mystery. All that can be said is that "birds of feather flock together"!
Townsville Showgrounds -- Chris Condon the Manager EQUALS guns-violence-bashings-fighting-assaults-thuggery-threats AND MORE.!
Would you take your children or family there ?
Why do the Townsville Show Society employ a violent criminal bully thug like Chris Condon as Manager !
Chris Condon Manager Townsville Show is a thug, standover man, king hit king, bully, and an agressive violent criminal, who should be locked up in prision permanently because of all his unprovoked assaults causing grievious bodliy harm to innocent people.
How the Townsville Show Society can employ this brutal, thug, animal is beyond me. this thug-criminal head-case Chris Condon has criminally assaulted lots of innocent people causing actual bodily harm, indeed, one person was "king-hit" and criminally assaulted by Condon over the paltry sum of $2, luckily for the innocent victim it wasnt $100 or maybe Condon would have killed him ... Chris Condon, is just another "king-hit-merchant" and the Townsville Show Society should not employ a thug like Chris Condon.... SHAME ON THE TOWNSVILLE SHOW SOCIETY... all the actual physical violence and violent threats etc that have been happening at the Townsville Showgrounds since Chris Condon has been the Manager DOES NOT happen at any other Showground in Australia !
Chris Condon is a gangster and nasty thug who has a history of viscious violence and he has been arrested at least 8 times for assaulting innocent persons, mostly elderly men, some pensioners.
Why the Townsville Show Society employ a viscious nasty criminal like Chris Condon is a mystery. All that can be said is that "birds of feather flock together"!
Townsville Showgrounds -- Chris Condon the Manager EQUALS guns-violence-bashings-fighting-assaults-thuggery-threats AND MORE.!
Would you take your children or family there ?
Why do the Townsville Show Society employ a violent criminal bully thug like Chris Condon as Manager !
Chris Condon Manager Townsville Show is a thug, standover man, king hit king, bully, and an agressive violent criminal, who should be locked up in prision permanently because of all his unprovoked assaults causing grievious bodliy harm to innocent people.
How the Townsville Show Society can employ this brutal, thug, animal is beyond me. this thug-criminal head-case Chris Condon has criminally assaulted lots of innocent people causing actual bodily harm, indeed, one person was "king-hit" and criminally assaulted by Condon over the paltry sum of $2, luckily for the innocent victim it wasnt $100 or maybe Condon would have killed him ... Chris Condon, is just another "king-hit-merchant" and the Townsville Show Society should not employ a thug like Chris Condon.... SHAME ON THE TOWNSVILLE SHOW SOCIETY... all the actual physical violence and violent threats etc that have been happening at the Townsville Showgrounds since Chris Condon has been the Manager DOES NOT happen at any other Showground in Australia !