I would be interested in learning more on the subject of the Benandanti, those born with a caul or veil.
The proper noun in English for these individuals is "caulbearer", which equates to "bearer of the caul", which is also used in the context of someone being "born behind the veil". I am studying this very peculiar phenomenon in many cultures all over the world, and would be very happy to know more about the Italian lore and traditions, as much of the knowledge appears to have been either supressed or destroyed by religious dogmas.
Sean Ryan
The proper noun in English for these individuals is "caulbearer", which equates to "bearer of the caul", which is also used in the context of someone being "born behind the veil". I am studying this very peculiar phenomenon in many cultures all over the world, and would be very happy to know more about the Italian lore and traditions, as much of the knowledge appears to have been either supressed or destroyed by religious dogmas.
Sean Ryan