Interesting place to place this post, but having no luck with traditional web sites.
I am looking for any information that may be out there on one Captain Warren G. Hornaday of the USAAF 6th Night Fighter Squadron. He is ancestor on my paternal grandmother's side. All I have is a news clippin from 1947 citing his death and a web page from www.pacificwrecks.org stating where he perished in the Pacific.
He was station briefly in Texas while in training for flight in 1940-41, & stationed at Pearl Harbor during the Dec. 7, 1941 attack.
If you have any info. please post here. I will come back offten to see if there is anyone who as answered.
Thank you,
distant family member
I am looking for any information that may be out there on one Captain Warren G. Hornaday of the USAAF 6th Night Fighter Squadron. He is ancestor on my paternal grandmother's side. All I have is a news clippin from 1947 citing his death and a web page from www.pacificwrecks.org stating where he perished in the Pacific.
He was station briefly in Texas while in training for flight in 1940-41, & stationed at Pearl Harbor during the Dec. 7, 1941 attack.
If you have any info. please post here. I will come back offten to see if there is anyone who as answered.
Thank you,
distant family member