Can anybody tell me how racial profiling is good?
replied to: pleasehelp123
Replied to: Can anybody tell me how racial profiling is good?
100 people are bitten by dogs. Of those 100, 80 bites were by dogs colored purple. Seeing that the overwhelming per centage of dog bites are by purple dogs it stands to reason that, when around a purple dog one might want to be a bit more careful than when around a green dog. Putting a 'human' attitude (PC) on a logical survival outlook can put one at a disadvantage.
To put it in a social setting of todays world, I do not worry about being around a person from the Mid East. But, if I see some other pieces of information, like they are holding an AK47 and we're not at the local shooting range, I may feel a bit apprehensive. Add that there are blood spatters and the smell of explosives and everyone else in the area is running away, well, like most other sensible people, I will not worry about hurting their feelings.
Racial profiling in and of itself is not a way to interact with others, especially in the US (E Pluribus Unum and all that), but add that to other factors, well, survival is a wonderful thing. I would rather be a live racial profiler than have 'she was politically correct' engraved on my tombstone.