I know the polls are currently predicting a landslide victory for the LNP since Campbell Newman unofficially took over but the next election isn't due until march 2012. I doubt he can hang onto that level of support for so long. I've spoken to Brisbane city council staff who have described him as having the personality of a robot. He has months to reveal what a loser he is. Right now he is calling for less council staff despite the fact that as Mayor he increased it by 30% and thats hypocrisy in anyones language. I think the attraction will wear off in time for the LNP to get another election hammering. But then Anna Bligh isn't exactly Miss Popularity. Not only does she like to sell off state assetts but now she is selling off private lands she doesn't even own. Giving away mining permits to evil gas mining companies. I personally won't be giving her my vote.
I know the polls are currently predicting a landslide victory for the LNP since Campbell Newman unofficially took over but the next election isn't due until march 2012. I doubt he can hang onto that level of support for so long. I've spoken to Brisbane city council staff who have described him as having the personality of a robot. He has months to reveal what a loser he is. Right now he is calling for less council staff despite the fact that as Mayor he increased it by 30% and thats hypocrisy in anyones language. I think the attraction will wear off in time for the LNP to get another election hammering. But then Anna Bligh isn't exactly Miss Popularity. Not only does she like to sell off state assetts but now she is selling off private lands she doesn't even own. Giving away mining permits to evil gas mining companies. I personally won't be giving her my vote.