Voluntary Human Extinction Movement
Calling bullshit bullshit
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While I’m all about bringing the human population WAY down, the idea that the entire species should voluntarily become extinct irritates me. Its back-handed narcissism and self-importance. “Oh, we’re SO terrible!” It’s akin to “white guilt” which I also have no patience for, since what it is really saying is “What a terrible job we white people have done of being a clearly superior breed…”

People who obsess about their own or their society’s faults are being no less full of themselves as those who deny there is anything wrong with themselves or their cultures are. We ARE a rare and important species when you get down to it. Whales have bigger brains than we do, their brains are at least as complex as ours, BUT: Whales will never go to other worlds and spread complex life which is, in all likelihood, INCREDIBLY rare.

We need to get our shit together, but just giving up and quitting is for cowardly little bitches…
replied to:  DocFlamingo
Replied to:  While I’m all about bringing the human population WAY down, the...
Agreed. Forgoing the fact that they don't have a shot in hell of anything in the way of success, their whole philosophy is based on what MIGHT be, as if these people had been granted foresight into the future. Like you, I support the idea of lowering our population and taking care of the environment, but where does one draw the line?

Progress is animate. It's not something you can just stop.