I found a different perspective on this film than most. What I found interesting was that while Mr. Lee was attempting to promote more liberal propaganda on how conservative views are racists and despotic; all he did was shine a microscope on the current despotic liberal tyranny of today's executive, judicial and legislative branches. Even though this film was done in 2006; it is a great satirical view on how the Democratic party actually won the Civil war and is CONTINUING to enslave and oppress lesser powerful peoples. Including Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites. Anyone of lower income, or perceived "lesser" value is an entitlement to the Democratic movement. This is no different than 150 years ago in the time of the War. Do they really think that our schools have dumbed us down so much in the last 45 years; that we will forget that conservative republicans -- LINCOLN--- was the great emancipator, who proclaimed that it was time that the intentions of the founding fathers actually come to pass for all citizens. Do they (MR. Lee and liberal Hockywood) think we are so blind that they can use the words "liberal" Lincoln ran to Canada. Lincoln was no Liberal! Jefferson was. The whole Southern system was controlled by Democrats. How much does that parallel our welfare system of today?