PROF. MES SolzhenItsy
“The Child of the Europe:
Beware of the Turkish Red Generals and Iranian Despots
That shall be after your implantable organs”
A “To be continued” type of “Reality Story”
Ach! That Persian name: HUNE, meaning home; and Turkish word-HUN for consuming disease! The complex word “HUN-HUNE” does come to the meaning of “Home for helpless disease” and seemingly has been found projectile in constructing a bizarre hospital intimately special for the Heathen-namely-Christian and Jewish Children who would serve there as involuntary organ donors after having been abducted and placed in their no-exit wards which should look obligatorily like cells of those toppled down Soviet Empire’s prisons. Inasmuch as after the KEMALIST red generals of The Second Soviet-Turkey Vulture and Iranian Despots had given start to their post-modern “terror product” collaboration in their war on all the Judeo-Christians as a whole they would inaugurate several institutions of EVIL none of them could be inhumanly amoral than that center called HUN-HUNE which happened to be active before the last quarter of the year 2009, and is about to be more peril –internationally- regarding especially east and west European Children’s safety. Since early October or late September we were being told that many Turkish Children –their ages varying from 4 to 10 years old–who may be of Greek or Armenian or even Jewish stock have been abducted and send to that HUN-HUNE center alongside with the absentees from Iraq, Syria and even Iran.
We Pro-West Turkish and Kurdish Muslims are being told too today more about the ominous, officially and personally immoral, and Satanic HUN-HUNE center. If the readers glance over it through the pure coming descriptions of mine which are to be more detailed step by step as the story progresses, they’ll see not one only chain of cells in which at evenings times the children are to be imprisoned and to be left lonely till the adolescent-if not mature-lights of a morning sun rejoice everybody: guards, little victims, director of the administrative departments, nurses, doctors, and care-takers who are in charge of burying the little dead bodies after they gave their souls because of they would be no more kidneys or heart valve to donate the rich clients who provide the siblings with pocket-money to buy cheap wafers covered with chocolate but several play halls, barbed wires and high walls surrounding gardens for fresh air, cheap canteens selling lemonade and wafer like retails, rooms to watch limited television stations and to listen full-music induced frequency modulation radios-run by Turkish KEMALIST soldiers and Iranian revolution guards-viz. their schizophrenic broadcastings! Nonetheless the reports say that there is no child has been absolutely exhausted to be put death with endless operations in order to steal their organs for the purpose of implantations: illegal, Godless, barbaric, and relentless. In addition to that we Pro-West Turkish and Kurdish know exactly that there are at least 80-100 children still alive there. Yet we know also that some of them went under operations, and lost their eyes, kidneys, livers-partly-and some legs’ veins!
The hospital expenditures of the little victims-fed and boarded very well for the sake of keeping them enough robust for their being able in giving or involuntarily donating their organs without any health problem within a long term of inching towards their graves-are afforded by Radical Muslim celebrities and Turkish KEMALIST rich people like the relatives of R. K. or A. D. or high rank Turkish red generals, red judges, and red scholars and the like!
PROF. MES SolzhenItsy
“The Child of the Europe:
Beware of the Turkish Red Generals and Iranian Despots
That shall be after your implantable organs”
A “To be continued” type of “Reality Story”
Ach! That Persian name: HUNE, meaning home; and Turkish word-HUN for consuming disease! The complex word “HUN-HUNE” does come to the meaning of “Home for helpless disease” and seemingly has been found projectile in constructing a bizarre hospital intimately special for the Heathen-namely-Christian and Jewish Children who would serve there as involuntary organ donors after having been abducted and placed in their no-exit wards which should look obligatorily like cells of those toppled down Soviet Empire’s prisons. Inasmuch as after the KEMALIST red generals of The Second Soviet-Turkey Vulture and Iranian Despots had given start to their post-modern “terror product” collaboration in their war on all the Judeo-Christians as a whole they would inaugurate several institutions of EVIL none of them could be inhumanly amoral than that center called HUN-HUNE which happened to be active before the last quarter of the year 2009, and is about to be more peril –internationally- regarding especially east and west European Children’s safety. Since early October or late September we were being told that many Turkish Children –their ages varying from 4 to 10 years old–who may be of Greek or Armenian or even Jewish stock have been abducted and send to that HUN-HUNE center alongside with the absentees from Iraq, Syria and even Iran.
We Pro-West Turkish and Kurdish Muslims are being told too today more about the ominous, officially and personally immoral, and Satanic HUN-HUNE center. If the readers glance over it through the pure coming descriptions of mine which are to be more detailed step by step as the story progresses, they’ll see not one only chain of cells in which at evenings times the children are to be imprisoned and to be left lonely till the adolescent-if not mature-lights of a morning sun rejoice everybody: guards, little victims, director of the administrative departments, nurses, doctors, and care-takers who are in charge of burying the little dead bodies after they gave their souls because of they would be no more kidneys or heart valve to donate the rich clients who provide the siblings with pocket-money to buy cheap wafers covered with chocolate but several play halls, barbed wires and high walls surrounding gardens for fresh air, cheap canteens selling lemonade and wafer like retails, rooms to watch limited television stations and to listen full-music induced frequency modulation radios-run by Turkish KEMALIST soldiers and Iranian revolution guards-viz. their schizophrenic broadcastings! Nonetheless the reports say that there is no child has been absolutely exhausted to be put death with endless operations in order to steal their organs for the purpose of implantations: illegal, Godless, barbaric, and relentless. In addition to that we Pro-West Turkish and Kurdish know exactly that there are at least 80-100 children still alive there. Yet we know also that some of them went under operations, and lost their eyes, kidneys, livers-partly-and some legs’ veins!
The hospital expenditures of the little victims-fed and boarded very well for the sake of keeping them enough robust for their being able in giving or involuntarily donating their organs without any health problem within a long term of inching towards their graves-are afforded by Radical Muslim celebrities and Turkish KEMALIST rich people like the relatives of R. K. or A. D. or high rank Turkish red generals, red judges, and red scholars and the like!