My husband has an ancestor by the name of Phillip MAKAR whom I was told was born in Smarzuf, Austria, which later became Brody (Ukraine). I realize that territories changed over time and I am very confused as to which country (Austria, Poland, Russia) Brody belonged to. Firstly, I can find nothing on the internet regarding the town of Smarzuf, Austria. Secondly, I am hampered by the fact that Phillip Makar's date of birth and marriage to Anastasia LITWIN is unknown to me. The family name, Makar, is Ukranian, so I am told. Phillip Makar's son, Stephen Phillip Makar, was born in Brody 27 May 1894 and emigrated to Montreal, Quebec, Canada at a young age. Apparently, his parents, Phillip and Anastasia were shot by the Russians during a pogrom. Again, no date and no background on what or how this occurred.
It is very difficult to search for Brody ancestors without knowing the history of this territory. If someone can enlighten me on this I would be most grateful.
Dorothy Mather
Ottawa, Canada
It is very difficult to search for Brody ancestors without knowing the history of this territory. If someone can enlighten me on this I would be most grateful.
Dorothy Mather
Ottawa, Canada