Brenda Ann Spencer
Brenda Ann Spencer
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Do You Think Spencer has been abused by her father Wallace as she had told the public about in her parole hearing in 2001 ? Should the father not be under investigation of this crime .Yes .. Brenda did physically shoot the innocents in January 1978 But with the allegations she has told the public about her father.... Did he drive her too it ? Was She Bullied In school ? Should the father (Wallace) Be the one behind bars ?
replied to:  alix1993howard
Replied to:  Do You Think Spencer has been abused by her father Wallace...
I believe that at the time of her trial her defense attorneys investigated the presence of mitigating factors, and it is my recollection (I was living in San Diego at the time, and still do) that back then no claims of abuse/molestation by Brenda's father were at issue. As far as I am concerned, the one that should be behind bars is the one who did the shooting. If the father is to blame for anything, it is for buying her the .22LR rifle that she used, though neither he, nor possibly even a trained mental health professional, might have known to what deed she would turn the rifle.