Under "Discrete Mass, Spin and Stability":
The second sentence should read "The angular momentum value is required to be (h bar/2).
The fifth sentence should read "The intrinsic singularity will then be a ring that lies in the equatorial plane of the particle with a radius value larger than 2Gm/c squared."
The sixth sentence should read "The radius value 3Gm/c squared is compatible with (h bar/2) angular momentum."
I will offer more information and explanation regarding logic used. The electron equations allow general relativity and quantum mechanics to merge without conflict.
Don Stevens
replied to: DonJStevens
Replied to: Under "Discrete Mass, Spin and Stability":
The second sentence should...
Corrections are needed in the 4 paragraphs under "Discrete Mass, Spin and Stability". The text should read as shown:
In accordance with black hole theory, a gravitationally collapsed electron is required to have maximal angular momentum so that it does not have elevated temperature. The angular momentum is required to be (h bar/2). Without elevated temperature it will not lose mass by Hawking radiation. For a rotating black hole, the Kerr Geometry will apply. The intrinsic singularity will then be a ring that lies in the equatorial plane of the particle with a radius value larger than 2Gm/c squared. The radius value 3Gm/c squared is compatible with (h bar/2) angular momentum. With this radius (ring) singularity, the electron would be an extremal black hole with a = (3/2)M rather than a black hole with a = M (using geometrized units). The Russian theorist Alexander Burinskii, in his paper titled, The Dirac-Kerr electron, noted that the electron angular momentum (h bar/2) is so high that black hole horizons disappear and the electron particle is a naked singular ring. Some theorists, including Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne, have recently concluded that the laws of nature do permit the formation of a naked singularity during gravitational collapse. In a later paper (2007) titled, Kerr Geometry as Space-Time Structure of the Dirac Electron, Burinskii writes: "In this work we obtain an exact correspondence between the wave function of the Dirac equation and the spinor (twistorial) structure of the Kerr geometry. It allows us to assume that the Kerr-Newman geometry reflects the specific space-time structure of electron, and electron contains really the Kerr-Newman circular string of Compton size."
replied to: DonJStevens
Replied to: Corrections are needed in the 4 paragraphs under "Discrete Mass, Spin...
Continued:Correctons needed.Text should read as shown:
The Burinskii papers describe an electron as a gravitationally confined ring singularity without an event horizon. It has some, but not all of the predicted properties of a black hole. A new name other than "Black hole electron" is needed for this model.
At the radius 3Gm/c squared, a special space curvature condition is found. An electromagnetic wave is expected to
have a 50 percent probability of either orbiting and spiraling inward or spiraling away to infinity due to the gravitational space curvature at 3Gm/c squared.
The wave does not spiral inward because centrifugal and gravitational forces become balanced. The radius 3Gm/c squared is the gravitational photon orbit radius or photon sphere radius. This radius is critical if self-gravitational attraction is required to produce a stable state. A gravitationally confined wave particle will have geon-like properties because its angular momentum accounts for its total mass energy. It has zero residual (irreducible) mass when its spin energy is extracted (radiated away). The toroidal topology electron model defines a wave propagating around a loop. Diffractive limit space curvature is required for this model to work. Limit space curvature is predicted at (and within) the photon sphere radius.
replied to: DonJStevens
Replied to: Continued:Correctons needed.Text should read as shown:
The Burinskii papers describe an...
Continued:Corrections needed. Next paragraph text should read as shown:
The ratio 4pi(3Gm/c squared) divided by the electron Compton wavelength is 1.051x10 exp -44 to one. The square root of this ratio will be the implied gravitational time dilation ratio or photon blueshift ratio at the electron mass photon capture radius. This ratio, 1.025x10 exp -22 to one is equal to 4pi(Planck length)(3/2) exp 1/2 divided by the electron Compton wavelength.