I am seeing signs at several intersections notifing of a Bike Race on april 9 and suggesting an alternate route that day. Who issues permits for such events? Who is responsible for allowing such events. Do residents of the County get any notice prior to permission so we can voice our opinion or protest? How much is this costing the County taxpayers for the Bikers to use the roads (Police supervison etc). I am a little tired of Bikers using the roads without paying any usage taxes in the way that motorist do. Gas taxes, and property taxes on vehicles pay for roads. Bikers pay none of these. People pay a fee to join a Gym and exerise. Bikers pay none of that. Bikers should at least pay for the services they use sepecially for the increase cost of saftey for events and the intrustion into our lives for the inconvience. I would like to know the appropriate authority to contact to protest this event if anyone can tell me.