
Many persons teach that Revelation 20 will be a future event of a kingdom, bringing peace on earth for a thousand years, happening after the time of great tribulation. When we look at Revelation 20 the teachers bring a word into thought that isn’t In the Holy Bible, “millennium” they use this to represent the word thousand. We will now examine the “now” vs. the “later” regarding this thousand years.
When we look at Revelation 20 we see that the word thousand years, is used as a measurement of time. If you look at Revelation 20:1-6 this time is in the spiritual realm, there is no means to compare the physical to the spiritual world, with regard to time. The word thousand was used meaning a long period of time “not literal”. That is why 2 Pet 3:8 was given to us, this verse shows how one day is the same as a thousand years when referring to time, the Lord is in the spiritual we are in the physical. Psalms 50:10 states the Lord owns the cattle upon a thousand hills, we know it’s more than a thousand this means many, much “not literal”. Revelation 20:2-3 shows how satan is bound and sealed in the spiritual, why? That he should deceive the nations no more, this deception is seen in Revelation 20:7-8 he will be loosed from the spiritual realm, the bottomless pit or hell, into the physical realm earth, to deceive the nations to gather them to the great and final battle against “JESUS” KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS”! Revelation 20:4 The saints seen here are also seen in Revelation 7:13-17 they are reigning with the Lord “NOW”! They have came out of great tribulation, those saved that have went before us. The new bible versions in Rev 7:14 takes this truth away by changing “came” past tense, to “come” future tense, and adds “the” before great tribulation, misleading one to believe this will be the future time of great tribulation “LIE”! Many want you to believe that the only way you can receive the mark of the beast, or worship the image will be during the tribulation, nothing in the Bible limits a mark dedicated to satan, or worship of an image to satan confined to the tribulation. Exodus 7:11 were the sorcerers of Egypt marked using satans power?
Throughout the bible you see the building of images to satan, and worship. Nebuchadnezzar wanted the three, Shadrach, Meshac, and Abednego to bow and worship the image or die. Daniel 3:1-30 when they stood firm in their faith in the Lord, the king tried to burn them. In Daniel 3:25 we see the Lord Jesus and his promise right in the fire with the three! “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” They came out not even smelling like smoke! Then they were made rulers in the kingdom. In Dan 3:25 the new bible versions remove “the Son of God” and put in “a son of the gods” they removed Jesus from the fiery furnace. In Rom 11:4 the Lord knew he had seven thousand that hadn’t bowed their knee to baal. Throughout history you've seen religious markings in the forehead, hands, and bodies of many cultural and religious groups, using ashes in the forehead, tattooing, carving, scaring, painting, much of this having religious meaning, marking was forbidden in Leviticus 19:28. People at rock concerts salute satan by pointing their fingers in a certain position, while holding their hands in the air. Today they try to say it’s a tattoo, barcode, or microchip, next year it will be something new. In Matthew 24:24 deception will be so great if it were possible the elect Christian would be deceived. Ephesians 4:30 but the Holy Spirit won’t allow this the Christians are sealed. Scripture dosen’t show that it’s confined to our day or the future, it’s been in the past and will be in the future, however it say’s in Revelation 14:6-9 if you “worship” or receive his “mark” they shall receive of the wrath of God. The Lord will make a definite final call to fear, and give him glory, to repent, those that don’t heed will see his power through plagues and wrath!
Revelation 20:5 this is the resurrection of the last day or end of this world also seen in JOHN 5:28-29 there will be two resurrections here first the saved, second the unsaved, the saved are blessed to be in the first. John 6:39-40 and John 11:24 show the timing of these resurrections to be the last day or end of this world. Matthew 24:31 The Lord comes with the voice of the angels “after the tribulation” and gathers his elect believers. 1 Corinthians 15:52 “ In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at “the last trumph”: This trumph happens at the last day seldom talked about in pretribulational teaching, this is explained In Revelation 10:6-7 “time no longer”, the new bible versions change this to “no longer delay” removing the end of the world, changing prophetic time lines. This same resurrection and separation of saved, and unsaved is explained in Matt 13:37-43 showing the wheat/saved, and tare/unsaved growing together until the harvest and separated at “the end of this world” by the angels. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 at the last day The resurrection and catching up of the believer will happen, prior to God’s fiery wrath poured out upon the heavens and earth. “Jesus hasn’t appointed the saved to wrath”. Revelation 20:6 repeats the same basic contextual reading of Revelation 20:4-5 regarding the first resurrection and the reign of the saints. In Revelation 20:7-9 satan is loosed, brings the nations together by deception to make war with the “LAMB”, the armies of the earth will surround the camp of the saints, then the saved are removed prior to God’s fiery wrath from heaven, that ends this world.
Revelation 16:12-21 reveals some of the same events. In Revelation 16:15 we see the church still present on earth “Behold, I come as a thief” the Lord say’s watch. In Luke 21:28 When we see this, the Lord say’s look up our redemption draweth nigh, this is near the time of battle. We see this order in 1 Corinthians 15:23-24 Jesus was the first resurrected, then the saved at his return, then the end. This is seen in 2 Peter 3:10-13 The day of the Lord will come as a thief, the heavens and earth will be dissolved by fire, we are to look for this day of the Lord. Then it will be a new heaven and earth, seen in Revelation 21 the HOLY NEW JERUSALEM prepared as a bride coming down from God, the eternal city, for the saved believers. “JESUS CHRIST IS THE LORD”
Today you are hearing of a rebuilt temple and more of a physical person taking the throne of David? They say he will come through the eastern gate of Jerusalem to do this? Portraying to be the Christ? They teach Jesus will return to a desert city Petra? Will they help seat the antichrist? This is taught on the television, radio, in churches and books. In Matthew 24:23-26 Jesus warns us not to go after such, the Bible teaches us that his appearing will be “glorious in the heavens” seen in Matthew 24:27-31Take heed lest ye be deceived!
Who is the modern father of the pretribulation rapture, and the millennial reign? C.I. Scofield he created a reference bible delivered to the USA and world in 1909, it contained the foundation of teachings still in use today called the Scofield bible, it contained his teachings of prophecy. Between 1909 to present “thousands” of persons and churches have used his references to learn this complex system. Many theological universities used his teachings. His reference notes were the greatest influence in America, planting the pretribulation, millennial view. “The incredible Scofield and his book” this book exposes him living with a woman in fornication, having a wife and children while producing his reference notes, and much more. Matthew 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. This book is at Ross House Books P.O. Box 67 Vallecito Ca. 95251 PH(209) 736-4365. In the love of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ Is The Lord!
(Psalms 138:2)THE DECEPTION FALSE (bibles)! (Psalms 12:6-7)
Today many people aren’t aware that the new bible versions are missing “thousands” of words and verses the niv,nasb,nlt,rsv,nrsv,ncv, the American catholic bible, Yes! the Jehovahs witnesses new world translation removes the same, and “more”! These corrupt versions are backed by corrupt Greek texts from Egypt preserved by the roman catholic church, two men Westcott and Hort in 1881 delivered this corrupt Greek text to the world. The true text is the “Greek received text” it was used by the true Christians Wycliffe, Tyndale, Knox, Calvin, Wesley, and the Av 1611 King James translators. The true Christian heritage has never used this corrupt text from Egypt, or translations from it. I will give you a sample of what is missing Matthew 17:21 18:11 Acts 8:37 and more, these verses are gone or in brackets. 1 John 5:7 they remove the “Godhead” The jw’s love this they don’t believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as one. Ephesians 3:9 “by Jesus Christ” is out, being creator. Luke 4:4 “but by every word of God” taken out. Luke 4:8 “get thee behind me satan” removed. Colossians 1:14 “through his blood” gone, no atonement. Matthew 9:13 “to repentance” is out, calling sinners. Mark 1:31 “immediately” gone, removed the miracle. Revelation 21:24 removes “of them which are saved” everyone gets to go to the kingdom here, Lie! Ephesians 3:14 “of our Lord Jesus Christ” is out, who do you bow your knees to. 1 Corinthians 10:28 “The earth is the Lord’s” is out, who does your earth belong to? Ask for a free list to show hundreds of verses missing. In Daniel 3:25 they change “the Son of God” to “a son of the gods” they removed Jesus from the fiery furnace.
The new king james and its additions and deletions are the corruptions of the textus receptus at the hands of Robert Stephanus 1550 the new king james has changed over 1200 places as compared to the textus receptus, we will look at a few. It removes “Lord” 66 times. “God” is removed 51 times. “Heaven” is removed 50 times. “Repent” is removed 44 times. “Blood” is removed 23 times. “Hell” is removed 22 times. “JEHOVAH” is removed entirely. “New testament” is removed entirely. “Damnation” is removed entirely. “Devils” is removed entirely. The new king james replaces the true Hebrew text “Ben Chayyim” with the corrupt Stuttgart edition “Ben Asher” Hebrew text. Acts 17:29 KJV “Godhead” or nkjv “Divine Nature” the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is gone. 1 Corinthians 1:18 and 2 Corinthians 2:15 KJV “are saved” or nkjv “are being saved” progressive salvation is a false doctrine! Revelation 10:6 KJV “time no longer” or nkjv “no longer delay”, no end of the world changing prophetic time lines. Matthew 13:39 KJV “end of the world” or nkjv “end of the age”, here they remove Biblical time lines the world never ends just goes from age to age. LIE! Revelation 13:16 KJV a mark “in” their hand or nkjv “on” their hand, mark of the beast DANGEROUS! Revelation 7:14 they change “came” to “come” and add “the” before great tribulation misleading one to think this pertains to the future tribulation.
There are three great books on the subject (1) Defending the King James Bible by Dr. DA Waite ISBN# 1-56848-0008 (2) Which Bible by Dr. David Otis Fuller ISBN# 0-944355-24-2 (3) New age Bible versions by G.A Riplinger ISBN# 0-9635845-0-2 for information call 800) 435-4535. Pastor Chuck Smith at Calvary chapel Costa Mesa Ca. USA leader of the Calvary chapels world wide exposed this over 20 years ago before the (nkjv) was printed Chuck Smith, on foundations of the word, tapes 575/576 info call The Word for today (800) 272-9673. Many Calvary’s have left this truth. All you need to study the subject at eye opener publications P.O. box 7944 Eugene Oregon. 97401 USA. For a free list showing hundreds of verses and changes send request.
Read The True Holy Bible In The English Language, The 1611 Authorized King James. In The Love of Jesus Christ.
Many persons teach that Revelation 20 will be a future event of a kingdom, bringing peace on earth for a thousand years, happening after the time of great tribulation. When we look at Revelation 20 the teachers bring a word into thought that isn’t In the Holy Bible, “millennium” they use this to represent the word thousand. We will now examine the “now” vs. the “later” regarding this thousand years.
When we look at Revelation 20 we see that the word thousand years, is used as a measurement of time. If you look at Revelation 20:1-6 this time is in the spiritual realm, there is no means to compare the physical to the spiritual world, with regard to time. The word thousand was used meaning a long period of time “not literal”. That is why 2 Pet 3:8 was given to us, this verse shows how one day is the same as a thousand years when referring to time, the Lord is in the spiritual we are in the physical. Psalms 50:10 states the Lord owns the cattle upon a thousand hills, we know it’s more than a thousand this means many, much “not literal”. Revelation 20:2-3 shows how satan is bound and sealed in the spiritual, why? That he should deceive the nations no more, this deception is seen in Revelation 20:7-8 he will be loosed from the spiritual realm, the bottomless pit or hell, into the physical realm earth, to deceive the nations to gather them to the great and final battle against “JESUS” KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS”! Revelation 20:4 The saints seen here are also seen in Revelation 7:13-17 they are reigning with the Lord “NOW”! They have came out of great tribulation, those saved that have went before us. The new bible versions in Rev 7:14 takes this truth away by changing “came” past tense, to “come” future tense, and adds “the” before great tribulation, misleading one to believe this will be the future time of great tribulation “LIE”! Many want you to believe that the only way you can receive the mark of the beast, or worship the image will be during the tribulation, nothing in the Bible limits a mark dedicated to satan, or worship of an image to satan confined to the tribulation. Exodus 7:11 were the sorcerers of Egypt marked using satans power?
Throughout the bible you see the building of images to satan, and worship. Nebuchadnezzar wanted the three, Shadrach, Meshac, and Abednego to bow and worship the image or die. Daniel 3:1-30 when they stood firm in their faith in the Lord, the king tried to burn them. In Daniel 3:25 we see the Lord Jesus and his promise right in the fire with the three! “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” They came out not even smelling like smoke! Then they were made rulers in the kingdom. In Dan 3:25 the new bible versions remove “the Son of God” and put in “a son of the gods” they removed Jesus from the fiery furnace. In Rom 11:4 the Lord knew he had seven thousand that hadn’t bowed their knee to baal. Throughout history you've seen religious markings in the forehead, hands, and bodies of many cultural and religious groups, using ashes in the forehead, tattooing, carving, scaring, painting, much of this having religious meaning, marking was forbidden in Leviticus 19:28. People at rock concerts salute satan by pointing their fingers in a certain position, while holding their hands in the air. Today they try to say it’s a tattoo, barcode, or microchip, next year it will be something new. In Matthew 24:24 deception will be so great if it were possible the elect Christian would be deceived. Ephesians 4:30 but the Holy Spirit won’t allow this the Christians are sealed. Scripture dosen’t show that it’s confined to our day or the future, it’s been in the past and will be in the future, however it say’s in Revelation 14:6-9 if you “worship” or receive his “mark” they shall receive of the wrath of God. The Lord will make a definite final call to fear, and give him glory, to repent, those that don’t heed will see his power through plagues and wrath!
Revelation 20:5 this is the resurrection of the last day or end of this world also seen in JOHN 5:28-29 there will be two resurrections here first the saved, second the unsaved, the saved are blessed to be in the first. John 6:39-40 and John 11:24 show the timing of these resurrections to be the last day or end of this world. Matthew 24:31 The Lord comes with the voice of the angels “after the tribulation” and gathers his elect believers. 1 Corinthians 15:52 “ In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at “the last trumph”: This trumph happens at the last day seldom talked about in pretribulational teaching, this is explained In Revelation 10:6-7 “time no longer”, the new bible versions change this to “no longer delay” removing the end of the world, changing prophetic time lines. This same resurrection and separation of saved, and unsaved is explained in Matt 13:37-43 showing the wheat/saved, and tare/unsaved growing together until the harvest and separated at “the end of this world” by the angels. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 at the last day The resurrection and catching up of the believer will happen, prior to God’s fiery wrath poured out upon the heavens and earth. “Jesus hasn’t appointed the saved to wrath”. Revelation 20:6 repeats the same basic contextual reading of Revelation 20:4-5 regarding the first resurrection and the reign of the saints. In Revelation 20:7-9 satan is loosed, brings the nations together by deception to make war with the “LAMB”, the armies of the earth will surround the camp of the saints, then the saved are removed prior to God’s fiery wrath from heaven, that ends this world.
Revelation 16:12-21 reveals some of the same events. In Revelation 16:15 we see the church still present on earth “Behold, I come as a thief” the Lord say’s watch. In Luke 21:28 When we see this, the Lord say’s look up our redemption draweth nigh, this is near the time of battle. We see this order in 1 Corinthians 15:23-24 Jesus was the first resurrected, then the saved at his return, then the end. This is seen in 2 Peter 3:10-13 The day of the Lord will come as a thief, the heavens and earth will be dissolved by fire, we are to look for this day of the Lord. Then it will be a new heaven and earth, seen in Revelation 21 the HOLY NEW JERUSALEM prepared as a bride coming down from God, the eternal city, for the saved believers. “JESUS CHRIST IS THE LORD”
Today you are hearing of a rebuilt temple and more of a physical person taking the throne of David? They say he will come through the eastern gate of Jerusalem to do this? Portraying to be the Christ? They teach Jesus will return to a desert city Petra? Will they help seat the antichrist? This is taught on the television, radio, in churches and books. In Matthew 24:23-26 Jesus warns us not to go after such, the Bible teaches us that his appearing will be “glorious in the heavens” seen in Matthew 24:27-31Take heed lest ye be deceived!
Who is the modern father of the pretribulation rapture, and the millennial reign? C.I. Scofield he created a reference bible delivered to the USA and world in 1909, it contained the foundation of teachings still in use today called the Scofield bible, it contained his teachings of prophecy. Between 1909 to present “thousands” of persons and churches have used his references to learn this complex system. Many theological universities used his teachings. His reference notes were the greatest influence in America, planting the pretribulation, millennial view. “The incredible Scofield and his book” this book exposes him living with a woman in fornication, having a wife and children while producing his reference notes, and much more. Matthew 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. This book is at Ross House Books P.O. Box 67 Vallecito Ca. 95251 PH(209) 736-4365. In the love of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ Is The Lord!
(Psalms 138:2)THE DECEPTION FALSE (bibles)! (Psalms 12:6-7)
Today many people aren’t aware that the new bible versions are missing “thousands” of words and verses the niv,nasb,nlt,rsv,nrsv,ncv, the American catholic bible, Yes! the Jehovahs witnesses new world translation removes the same, and “more”! These corrupt versions are backed by corrupt Greek texts from Egypt preserved by the roman catholic church, two men Westcott and Hort in 1881 delivered this corrupt Greek text to the world. The true text is the “Greek received text” it was used by the true Christians Wycliffe, Tyndale, Knox, Calvin, Wesley, and the Av 1611 King James translators. The true Christian heritage has never used this corrupt text from Egypt, or translations from it. I will give you a sample of what is missing Matthew 17:21 18:11 Acts 8:37 and more, these verses are gone or in brackets. 1 John 5:7 they remove the “Godhead” The jw’s love this they don’t believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as one. Ephesians 3:9 “by Jesus Christ” is out, being creator. Luke 4:4 “but by every word of God” taken out. Luke 4:8 “get thee behind me satan” removed. Colossians 1:14 “through his blood” gone, no atonement. Matthew 9:13 “to repentance” is out, calling sinners. Mark 1:31 “immediately” gone, removed the miracle. Revelation 21:24 removes “of them which are saved” everyone gets to go to the kingdom here, Lie! Ephesians 3:14 “of our Lord Jesus Christ” is out, who do you bow your knees to. 1 Corinthians 10:28 “The earth is the Lord’s” is out, who does your earth belong to? Ask for a free list to show hundreds of verses missing. In Daniel 3:25 they change “the Son of God” to “a son of the gods” they removed Jesus from the fiery furnace.
The new king james and its additions and deletions are the corruptions of the textus receptus at the hands of Robert Stephanus 1550 the new king james has changed over 1200 places as compared to the textus receptus, we will look at a few. It removes “Lord” 66 times. “God” is removed 51 times. “Heaven” is removed 50 times. “Repent” is removed 44 times. “Blood” is removed 23 times. “Hell” is removed 22 times. “JEHOVAH” is removed entirely. “New testament” is removed entirely. “Damnation” is removed entirely. “Devils” is removed entirely. The new king james replaces the true Hebrew text “Ben Chayyim” with the corrupt Stuttgart edition “Ben Asher” Hebrew text. Acts 17:29 KJV “Godhead” or nkjv “Divine Nature” the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is gone. 1 Corinthians 1:18 and 2 Corinthians 2:15 KJV “are saved” or nkjv “are being saved” progressive salvation is a false doctrine! Revelation 10:6 KJV “time no longer” or nkjv “no longer delay”, no end of the world changing prophetic time lines. Matthew 13:39 KJV “end of the world” or nkjv “end of the age”, here they remove Biblical time lines the world never ends just goes from age to age. LIE! Revelation 13:16 KJV a mark “in” their hand or nkjv “on” their hand, mark of the beast DANGEROUS! Revelation 7:14 they change “came” to “come” and add “the” before great tribulation misleading one to think this pertains to the future tribulation.
There are three great books on the subject (1) Defending the King James Bible by Dr. DA Waite ISBN# 1-56848-0008 (2) Which Bible by Dr. David Otis Fuller ISBN# 0-944355-24-2 (3) New age Bible versions by G.A Riplinger ISBN# 0-9635845-0-2 for information call 800) 435-4535. Pastor Chuck Smith at Calvary chapel Costa Mesa Ca. USA leader of the Calvary chapels world wide exposed this over 20 years ago before the (nkjv) was printed Chuck Smith, on foundations of the word, tapes 575/576 info call The Word for today (800) 272-9673. Many Calvary’s have left this truth. All you need to study the subject at eye opener publications P.O. box 7944 Eugene Oregon. 97401 USA. For a free list showing hundreds of verses and changes send request.
Read The True Holy Bible In The English Language, The 1611 Authorized King James. In The Love of Jesus Christ.