Since ben ehuda was a levite of Ashkenazim proven to be of R1a1 haplogroup of Eastern Europpean races. he spoke Yiddish a language of that area which is a daughter of the ancient Gothic language the mother tongue of all Europpean languages and Yiddish and russian languages.
He integrated the Ancient hebrew lexicon accumultaed by Europpean christian monks through the ages of what they understood the hebrew words based on their knowledge and comparision with the Arabic language the only semitic language alive and related to Ancient Hebew. They made many mistakes and the Lexicon made by them is not proven.
Integrating the ancient Hebrew lexicon in a language does not make this language ancient hebrew but a new third language mostly related to gothic Yiddish, because grammar and phonetics are the main body of the language. Alphabet and or Lexicon could be changed easily in the same language (turkish language changed from Arabic alphabet to Europpen alphabet, somali, and Farsi are other examples)
He integrated the Ancient hebrew lexicon accumultaed by Europpean christian monks through the ages of what they understood the hebrew words based on their knowledge and comparision with the Arabic language the only semitic language alive and related to Ancient Hebew. They made many mistakes and the Lexicon made by them is not proven.
Integrating the ancient Hebrew lexicon in a language does not make this language ancient hebrew but a new third language mostly related to gothic Yiddish, because grammar and phonetics are the main body of the language. Alphabet and or Lexicon could be changed easily in the same language (turkish language changed from Arabic alphabet to Europpen alphabet, somali, and Farsi are other examples)