I do not know where i should start to discuss, and what the suitable topic i am supposed to submit, in a relationship with Wynne. But, telling you the truth, the hometown of Wynne, Surakarta was extremely memorable for me after i met one good girl in Jakarta, but she is originally from Solo. It was a few months ago, we split, and cut our relationship. It was not easy to forget her, and finally when i was browsing the internet, i happened to find the name 'Wynne' who comes from the same hometown. Guessing, that the two of them, my ex looks like Wynne. Hoping that, learning about Wynne would drive me into a deeper yearning for my ex. It is over, and over. By all means, i have to forget her. By all means, i have to stay tough, realizing that she is not the only girl in this world, though i have always realized that we used to have good chemistry to each other. Solo or Surakarta are home for Wynne and my ex. The place where my ex always spent her long holiday, while I had to stay in Jakarta. It was the starting point of my 'betrayal' and cheated her. It was more than i could resist my selfishness by showing another girl. "You often leave for Solo, and i really need to compensate my emptiness. I know, i am spoiled in front of you, that i always need you to be by my side. So, i find another one," i said while also showing my childish behavior. Solo, solo, solo is where her heart is, and she still persist that she would settle in Solo after finishing her study in one university in Jakarta. I still persisted to catch her, while she started to show her good understanding for me. Our love story was like a soap opera, acted like movie stars performing the script. And finally, it was the peak of the scenario of the opera, that she finally her best, a good man from Solo also. And i still could not accept it till now, but was sure that i would get recovered from my 'sickness', situation would lead me from my broken heart. I am sure, very sure. So, Solo is the place of the conflict started and Solo is the hometown of one of the most beautiful Indonesian tennis player Wynne come from. The two of You, for me, is tightly connected to the place, Solo. (Setiawan Liu)