Are You Ready to Become An Entrepreneur?
Then Prepare Yourself for the "Leap of Faith."
"From Employee to Entrepreneur"
Coaching Session
Are you tired of your job? Do you want to become an entrepreneur?
Are you confused which business to start? Do you want to know the secrets of designing a profitable business?
Do you need a checklist for starting a business in 90 days?
Do you know when is the right time to resign and go full - time in pursuing your dream of becoming an entrepreneur?
Attend this exclusive coaching session to prepare yourself for the "Leap of Faith." This session is available to a few participants only.
So hurry, call 994-6072 to reserve your seat now!
Topics Include:
Module 1: What Separates Entrepreneurs from Employees
Module 2: How to Choose the Right Business Idea
Module 3: How to Design A Profitable Business
Module 4: How to Start Your Business in 90 days
Module 5: When Do You Know It's Time To Resign a.k.a. " Leap of Faith"
About The Speaker
The speaker is the President and CEO of Simplelife Technologies, Inc., the company behind the successful brand, Ink All-You-Can (www.ink.com.ph). He graduated Magna Cum Laude and Valedictorian of his Batch. Fresh from passing the Certified Public Accountants’ (CPA) Board Exam, he quickly landed a job as a Sales Finance Analyst in one of the top multinational corporations in the world. Later on, he got promoted and took on the role of Global Senior Control Analyst. His career was doing great. He was able to travel around the world, stay in luxurious hotels, work with different people, and earn generous income – all the benefits that most employees can hope for.
However, deep inside he felt a burning passion to be his own boss – to help other people earn a living and to have more time with his family. So he crafted a plan to help him transition from being just an employee to pursuing his dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Though he had no background in business and lacked proper training, that did not stop him from setting up small businesses such as an RTW shop, a carwash business, a private events place, etc. to hone his skills as entrepreneur. In 2005, he started Ink All-You-Can which later became his biggest break in business.
In 2007, after working for 7 years as employee, he finally decided to take the leap of faith and resign from his work to become the first and only entrepreneur in his family, despite some apprehensions from his parents and siblings. Since then, his company, SimpleLife Technologies Inc., the company behind Ink All-You-Can, has undergone tremendous growth to become one of the most visible and trusted suppliers of alternative printer consumables in the Philippines. Today, the company employs close to 100 employees and serving thousands of customers every month across the country.
Recently, a lot of his friends are asking him for tips and suggestions on how to transition from being an employee to entrepreneur. Realizing that he might be able to help other aspiring entrepreneurs start their own business, he decided to conduct coaching sessions entitled "From Employee To Entrepreneur: How To Prepare Yourself For The Leap of Faith" to share the insights and lessons he learned along the way.
Learning Investment:
Regular Rate: P3,000.00
June 04,2011
8:00AM - 5:30 PM
Unit 906 Citystate Centre Bldg., #709 Shaw Boulevard , Pasig City
For more info contact Jecca at (02) 994-6072
Other Coaching Session Topics:
Profit Powerhouse: Learn The Secrets on How to Double Your Business Profit
June 18, 2011 8:00AM - 5:30PM
Call 994-6072 to reserve seat now!