Any unbaised person who will read the messages written by different contributors in this discussion forum during last 6 months will only conclude that still a large GAP exist between the teaching in RSSB and learning by RSSB followers.
Inspite of asking number of times that the real goal of life is prayer of GOD, all request by followers are for getting wordly problem solution.
Followers are getting excuses in name of BaBa G for doing any wrong to their family by asking that it has been done by Baba G.
Then other are asking that this bad thing is not done by Baba G. Who you are to differentiate that what is done by him or not.
When everything is designed and controlled by Parmatma and even Baba g says he is doing and will do and also he is targeting to connecting you with him then why you are not able to understand till date the difference between the destination (GOD) and the way (BaBa G) to destination.
Followers are asking to do meditation to others but before recommending to others first show the difference in your own self. Your ego, anger, proud clerly reflects in your replies and not a single wisdom is reflected which must be attained by meditation.
All just start fighting on a small issue. If any one says something about the RSSB practices then why you do not show your broad behaviour and understand his advise but NO, you just start questioning his religion, attitude, satsangi or not. By this behaviour, if a person wants to join RSSB will left it immediately. Followers are the agent and represent his princial before others but the way you respond it looks that all of you become himself BABA G and knowing everything and response rudely and harshly as all other are fool and everything is known by you only.
Why you do not accept that errors can be expected in any practice and efforts must be for its modification and not on avoiding its view by others.
There is no question that lakhs of people follow RSSB and it has certain good practice of doing seva, and advising followers of not taking Non veg and alcohal but the world has other problems also and if we will take care for them also then there is no harm for that.
As I have told earlier that satsang ghar can be used for coaching centre of poor people for week days then some one replied it is the work of GOVT. Instead of giving his opinion, has he ever thought that he may not be poor in this birth but lots of our country man are poor and and by aiding in their study, we are doing a seva for the human being.
Then I asked that can we arrange for bhandara for poor people instead of sending fund to Beas, but no positive answer received.
Just understand that where we are going. We have become so much rigid that we are not using our mind, we are only doing that much as we understand which is being asked to us and do not apply our mind for thing other also. No one expect from us this closed mind behaviour.
Even for taking a medicine number of queries regarding its content are raised. If you want to take it to remove pain take it else not. The others have no knowledge about the severity of pain then how they will advise. Nor baba G will sue you that how you dare to take that medicine.
Students wants to join dera for seva and want to leave their home because they think in human life their is so much pain, so we should pray for good so that no recurrence of birth taken place and avoid to meet challenges in current life. But if you will skip from the responsibities towards family then why GOD will help you is not understood by them.
Trully instead of coming out from the varous WEB of rituals , beham etc., RSSB followers are going deep inside this WEB as shown by their response and problems in this forum.
Inspite of asking number of times that the real goal of life is prayer of GOD, all request by followers are for getting wordly problem solution.
Followers are getting excuses in name of BaBa G for doing any wrong to their family by asking that it has been done by Baba G.
Then other are asking that this bad thing is not done by Baba G. Who you are to differentiate that what is done by him or not.
When everything is designed and controlled by Parmatma and even Baba g says he is doing and will do and also he is targeting to connecting you with him then why you are not able to understand till date the difference between the destination (GOD) and the way (BaBa G) to destination.
Followers are asking to do meditation to others but before recommending to others first show the difference in your own self. Your ego, anger, proud clerly reflects in your replies and not a single wisdom is reflected which must be attained by meditation.
All just start fighting on a small issue. If any one says something about the RSSB practices then why you do not show your broad behaviour and understand his advise but NO, you just start questioning his religion, attitude, satsangi or not. By this behaviour, if a person wants to join RSSB will left it immediately. Followers are the agent and represent his princial before others but the way you respond it looks that all of you become himself BABA G and knowing everything and response rudely and harshly as all other are fool and everything is known by you only.
Why you do not accept that errors can be expected in any practice and efforts must be for its modification and not on avoiding its view by others.
There is no question that lakhs of people follow RSSB and it has certain good practice of doing seva, and advising followers of not taking Non veg and alcohal but the world has other problems also and if we will take care for them also then there is no harm for that.
As I have told earlier that satsang ghar can be used for coaching centre of poor people for week days then some one replied it is the work of GOVT. Instead of giving his opinion, has he ever thought that he may not be poor in this birth but lots of our country man are poor and and by aiding in their study, we are doing a seva for the human being.
Then I asked that can we arrange for bhandara for poor people instead of sending fund to Beas, but no positive answer received.
Just understand that where we are going. We have become so much rigid that we are not using our mind, we are only doing that much as we understand which is being asked to us and do not apply our mind for thing other also. No one expect from us this closed mind behaviour.
Even for taking a medicine number of queries regarding its content are raised. If you want to take it to remove pain take it else not. The others have no knowledge about the severity of pain then how they will advise. Nor baba G will sue you that how you dare to take that medicine.
Students wants to join dera for seva and want to leave their home because they think in human life their is so much pain, so we should pray for good so that no recurrence of birth taken place and avoid to meet challenges in current life. But if you will skip from the responsibities towards family then why GOD will help you is not understood by them.
Trully instead of coming out from the varous WEB of rituals , beham etc., RSSB followers are going deep inside this WEB as shown by their response and problems in this forum.