The wikipedia article on National exports does not mention that a significant number was exported to Australia.
Off the top of a somewhat ageing brain I can recall that they were operated by Action (the Australian Capital Territory Internal Omnibus Network), The Melbourne and Metroplitan Tramways Board and the Metropolitan tramways Trust (Tasmania). Also two independent operators operated them. Forest Coach lines of Sydney operated one and Melbourne-Brighton bus lines, then the only private operater running into central Melbourne, had two which I understand were to "coach" specifications.
In more recent times a london example has been bought to Sydney by a former TfL driver for active preservation in connection with her business.
The MTT (Tasmania) ordered 62 for operation in Hobart. I believe this was the largest order plac ed by an Austraian operator. They were ordered to raplace the largest fleet of Bedford SBs in Australia
I have fond memories of these vehicles and was glad to see one on a school excursion.
Can anyone in the gruop shed an y further light on these fine vehicle's Australian Hikstory?
Off the top of a somewhat ageing brain I can recall that they were operated by Action (the Australian Capital Territory Internal Omnibus Network), The Melbourne and Metroplitan Tramways Board and the Metropolitan tramways Trust (Tasmania). Also two independent operators operated them. Forest Coach lines of Sydney operated one and Melbourne-Brighton bus lines, then the only private operater running into central Melbourne, had two which I understand were to "coach" specifications.
In more recent times a london example has been bought to Sydney by a former TfL driver for active preservation in connection with her business.
The MTT (Tasmania) ordered 62 for operation in Hobart. I believe this was the largest order plac ed by an Austraian operator. They were ordered to raplace the largest fleet of Bedford SBs in Australia
I have fond memories of these vehicles and was glad to see one on a school excursion.
Can anyone in the gruop shed an y further light on these fine vehicle's Australian Hikstory?