How are you doing,believe in one GOD,my heart hurts to,loving to inform you,im not masculint,how do you like the love letters that im sending you,really can't take rejection,for you so much affection,is it poetry,praying, hoping that the lord hears me,baby im love sick,honestly couldn't,take hearing your voice this morning,played it too my homie like im yawing,hoping that you have a pleasent reply,as we watch the sky my baby girl cry,im not being difficult,im a physician,exausted already from doing this,but i'll keep moving,beleiving that i love you,hoping that i haven't hurt you,a gentle flower,please calm down,lets take the night off and listen to the radio now,knowing that you have gentle feelings,in due time,i know you'll reveal yourself to me,if not im not worried,kakhyis in a hurry,dont worry,we will have a love story,tonight im to exhausted to tell how to do a surgery,remember that i love you