It has been said that a script written for, ‘A Confederacy of Dunces’ was excellent, but that nevertheless the novel cannot be made into a film. This is not true. The simplest, true idea is that a movie can be made about anything. It has been said there are problems to be dealt with in production that are insurmountable. Bull #@#^&^! I can out argue any insurmountable points of argument.
If my time left on earth would allow it I could do a good script on speculation that would not be too difficult to film. Of course, I love the book above all others that I also love, and I feel so sorry for the writer and so angry at the stupid one’s who drove his sensitive nature into suicide.
If my time left on earth would allow it I could do a good script on speculation that would not be too difficult to film. Of course, I love the book above all others that I also love, and I feel so sorry for the writer and so angry at the stupid one’s who drove his sensitive nature into suicide.