Not sure where to start!!! I beleive my Gr Grand Mother was full Ojibway _ My Grand Mother 1/2 and My Father I guess a 1/4 I also have native on my mothers side who are also from Northern Ontario. My problem is I ca not see to find any relatives on my Fathers Mothers side. His Mother and sister drown in the Goulai River when my Father was nine yr's old. That would have been around 1937. Her maiden name was Emma La Pointe I do know she had a sister Ida a brother Dave and other sibligs. I guess back then the women did not admit they were native. My grand parents wed in Blind River around 1920 or so. Walter St. Croix / Emma La Pointe 3 children Harold - walter and Isabel. Thas all I know if anyone can help please. Both my parents are no longer alive. I do know my Gr Father Walter came from France he had no native at all - the first natives into the family were my Fathers Mothers side the La Pointes.
Lori St. Croix
Lori St. Croix