There are different forms of HCG, viz. injections, pills, drops gels and sprays. All the forms are allopathic medicines except the oral drops. People might get confused to choose the right form for them. Here, you can get some idea about both allopathic and homeopathic HCG.
• Both the types are basically a kind of hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. The hormone is found in a large extent in the urine of pregnant woman. Both the forms are equally affective in curing obesity problem.
• However, in case of the Allopathic HCG, one has to consult a doctor. The doctor tells him to undergo various pathological tests and then depending upon the magnitude of the problem, the dose is advised. While, the Homeopathic drop doesn’t require so much hassle to buy.
• The allopathic medicines are often accompanied with side-effects. Over dose or improper usage may cause some problems which include headache, pain, vomiting, breast swelling and pain in women etc. The Homeopathic drops are pre-diluted. These are considered side effect free.
• The allopathic HCG is often preferred by people as they think it might produce rapid result. The Homeopathic drop is safer than the other form.
However, someone should always keep in mind a few precautionary advices while using the HCG.
• One should not take overdose for getting rapid result.
• In case someone prefers injection, he should know the proper way of taking it. In that case, he can consult a doctor or nurse to know the exact procedure of pushing.
• One should consult doctor at once if he observes some complications.
• Never cross the diet limit of 500 calorie per day. Otherwise, there would be no use of dieting.
• Both the types are basically a kind of hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. The hormone is found in a large extent in the urine of pregnant woman. Both the forms are equally affective in curing obesity problem.
• However, in case of the Allopathic HCG, one has to consult a doctor. The doctor tells him to undergo various pathological tests and then depending upon the magnitude of the problem, the dose is advised. While, the Homeopathic drop doesn’t require so much hassle to buy.
• The allopathic medicines are often accompanied with side-effects. Over dose or improper usage may cause some problems which include headache, pain, vomiting, breast swelling and pain in women etc. The Homeopathic drops are pre-diluted. These are considered side effect free.
• The allopathic HCG is often preferred by people as they think it might produce rapid result. The Homeopathic drop is safer than the other form.
However, someone should always keep in mind a few precautionary advices while using the HCG.
• One should not take overdose for getting rapid result.
• In case someone prefers injection, he should know the proper way of taking it. In that case, he can consult a doctor or nurse to know the exact procedure of pushing.
• One should consult doctor at once if he observes some complications.
• Never cross the diet limit of 500 calorie per day. Otherwise, there would be no use of dieting.