Fort Polk
Agent Orange at Ft Polk?
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Looking for anyone with information about agent orange or other herbicides that may have been stored at Ft Polk and possibly attempts at cleaning the areas up during 1987. My ex-husband was a MP stationed there and had to go into a restricted area on base during that time. All that he could tell me about the op was that "they were protecting the public from Hazardous waste while guys cleaned up some chemical". He would come home with a very toxic smell on his clothes at the end of the day and most times, I would have him change clothes before entering our house. His uniform was then put into the washer immediately. We were both serving there, and I was pregnant at the time. I need to know because of health problems that may be related to my time there. Thank you for any information .
replied to:  phyllcar
Replied to:  Looking for anyone with information about agent orange or other herbicides...
There has been a lot of talk here in Texas about that subject. Everyone used it to clear fence lines, firing ranges At Polk. You will never get the DOD or VA to admit it. TOO many folks trained there for the Infantry. Let me explain why. If you do some research, you will find a couple newspaper articles with pictures of the barrels of all type of the rainbow herbicides and the question of did the storage ruin the drinking water around Kelly Annex In San Antonio. Then if you look up EPA records you will find out that they mistakenly transferred some of it to the re-sale agency that sell military surplus to whom ever. They prosecuted, I think around 4-5 people for selling it to farmers and ranchers around Texas and Louisiana. They went to jail for a couple of years. With all of this evidence that is public record, the VA refuses to admit it was there. I was at Polk during 1974-75, You always saw the permeant staff spraying herbicides all over they place. There is a gentleman here, that swears he sprayed at the fort. The EPA is banned from entering and the people just off the fort are allow to consume 1 fish per day, according to him. And he show me the 1 foot file he has to back up his claim. Which the VA refused.
replied to:  JeffOwens
Replied to:  There has been a lot of talk here in Texas about...
I have found were DOD and Secretary to State has admitted to some wrong doings over chemicals at Fort Polk. I also found were on the internet a Agency in Louisiana did a chemical check and found many chemicals and Our Soldiers are dying from this today. Read my post Fort Polk Vam Era Chemicals dated today. I WILL NEVER give up proving my husband died from a war that was 40 years earlier and he did not go to NAM he went to Germany and I even found it there! So yes if we ban together we can make a difference.

Paula 832-773-4814