Gustave is a giant monster. They have tried capturing him and it didnt work. This crocodile is just money to the media. But did anyone ever think about the 300 deaths this crocodile has caused. The goverment could take this thing out if they wanted to but they dont want to. Africa suffers enough this crocodile isnt dead ony because its in Africa. If it was in the USA it would have been dead years ago. Im sorry but its the truth. And if it does get captured what are they going to do put it in a zoo. I say gustave is better off dead. Until then many more lives will be claimed. Ther is no facts that this crocodile is dead. I say find it and kill it. Dont try to find it and make money off it. There is a reason dinasours are dead because we couldnt survive with them alive. And we cant survive with a 25 ft man eating crocodile either.