So what do you think about the sphygmomanometer?? opinions would be nice..... any thoughts?
replied to: Astronut6295
Replied to: So what do you think about the sphygmomanometer?? opinions would be...
It was a device used to measure blood pressure and was invented by a man named Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter von Basch. At first, it was spring powered adn also used mercury, which, back then, was not known to be very deangerous because there werent as many medical discoveries as we have today. anything else you would like to know?
replied to: Astronut6295
Replied to: It was a device used to measure blood pressure and was...
Sounds like a very interesting device. tell me more about it!!!
replied to: boobear14
Replied to: Sounds like a very interesting device. tell me more about it!!!...
Well, it was invented by man named Samuel Siegfried Karl Ritter von Basch or Ritter von Basch for short. there's nore on the internet than i could telll you on here. so check it out on the net. if you search up the entire name of the dude who invented it, there shoul be a bunch of results that come up....
replied to: Astronut6295
Replied to: So what do you think about the sphygmomanometer?? opinions would be...
Here's a fun website that we use to teach students how to use a sphygmomanometer...both mercury and dial versions.
replied to: Astronut6295
Replied to: So what do you think about the sphygmomanometer?? opinions would be...
I came accross this website to read more info on this great product: