Ive come up with a theory about the big bang of my own, i believe that the universe has a beginning also that the universe is expanding but i think we have the time scale all wrong. i believe that the universe is recycling. When the universe expands i think simultaneously the universe is destroyed at a different point therefore, so who can tell how old the universe is the question is how many cycles has the universe gone through. i believe matter can neither be created or destroyed just changed from one form to another apply this to the universe, it is being created i.e expanding also being destroyed its a cycle i believe this cycle has been happenning "forever" and will continue to happen. This is why we cant see the edge or end of the universe even if we had the technology to look that far, we still couldnt see it. The beginning and end of the universe are linked in some way, light travels in straight lines therefore we will never be able to see the whole universe at once. E.g. Looking at the horizon of the ocean, you can only see so far before you cant see anymore, it would be like this just on an inifnite scale. I don’t want to ramble on because i know this piece of writing isn’t to coherent but i hope you can see what im getting at. So yes i think the universe is eternal and infinite.