Albert Einstein
A few incorect assuymptions in physic
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I know that the speed of light is not the speed limit of the universe. A spacecraft that is ever excelerating in space will eventually travel faster than light speed. Plasma rocket tech will soon solve our energy needs domesticly. The big bang theory is wrong. there had to be matter before the bang. You can't pull matter out of thin air. I say all possible matter was in space in one place, the gravitational forces would eventually cause the thousands of different layers of all the matter in the universe, comming together to react and crush all this matter until it would cause a big bang. Then your model of universal expansion would work. If there was no matter, what was there to ignite to make the big bang in the first place? To pull all the matter in the universe out of thin air with a big bang is impossible for me to believe. Terril Lippincott
replied to:  terrildactl
Replied to:  I know that the speed of light is not the speed...
Before you start pontificating on what you "know", read a primer on nuclear physics. You will be amazed at what you don't know.
replied to:  terrildactl
Replied to:  I know that the speed of light is not the speed...
The speed of light in our universe is the limit as einsteins equations show. When you try to go faster any excess energy is wasted into the surrounding space. In another continum there may be different rules but not here. Most people accept that the big bang theory is wrong these days and there are a number of modified theories out there, some assume matter from elsewhere, others assume multiple contractions and expansions etc etc take your pick.