A while back there was 1984 and Big Brother and It can't happen here, you know they were warning us about mind control, us losing our freedom of speech. And that was about the time the computer comes along. And so we have these forums where there is all this FREEDOM of expression. It doesn't matter what anyone is saying. At least they are saying SOMETHING. So about the time NO FREEDOM is beginning, FREEDOM is beginning to really happen. Saved by the Internet!
So traveling back in time in your mind, there was an answer.
All that mind control starts with the corrupt parents. DO this, do that, 3, 2, 1, go. Your grounded. You're supposed to DO what they say. How many parents want to hear your opinion?
Maybe they did. They are the ones who got the computer with the forums. But maybe they didn't know it. We all have history which is filled with dictators and followers. But the forums - it's a really good thing.
So traveling back in time in your mind, there was an answer.
All that mind control starts with the corrupt parents. DO this, do that, 3, 2, 1, go. Your grounded. You're supposed to DO what they say. How many parents want to hear your opinion?
Maybe they did. They are the ones who got the computer with the forums. But maybe they didn't know it. We all have history which is filled with dictators and followers. But the forums - it's a really good thing.