All major Religions in the world are expecting the Advent of the Messiah. Hindus are expecting the arrival of Lord Krisna or Kalki, Christians the 2nd Coming of Lord Jesus, Muslems that of Imam Mahdi, Buddhists are expecting Maitreya, Zoroastrian the Coming of Saoshyant, the Jews the arrival of the Messiah etc, etc. For once the world that has been divided seem to be expecting One and a Single Messiah! This means that the Expected Messiah may come from one of these Religions or even the lesser ones. Now the question is:"Are we prepared to support and follow Him, whatever religion banner He will be born under?" Remember His mission is not to choose one religion above the rest, but to make them One. We know of people who came and who have gone, some are still with us who claimed to be this Avatar, don't be misled for He only will be given a Power and Authority to abolish Sin. He alone will End the oppression exacted upon us by Spitual Rulers. Anyone who claim to be Him yet he is not able to do this, it's not Him. And He will embrace All. Thanks.