I and two of my sisters have amelogensis imperfecta. My parents did not have it but my aunt did. She gave her children flouride tablets when they were very young and their teeth were normal. My two sisters gave flouride to their kids and their teeth are normal. My two boys and my nephew had it real bad with their baby teeth. They had composites put over them and were given flouride liquid drops when they were toddlers. Then a flouride chewable tablet every day when they were about 3 years old up until all their new teeth came in. Their second set (permanent teeth) came out white and strong, normal! Most dentist I have dealt with have not seen amelogensis in a real patient and will not believe that flouride drops and tablets will work. Trust me, do the flouride drops as soon as you can and then go to the chewable tablets when they can chew. You have to start the flouride treatment while the teeth are developing and before they come out. It works, it worked on 7 out of 7 in my family. I wish somebody would of done the same for me and my sisters. So please do not hesitate. The drama my sister and I faced as kids and teenagers, nobody should have to go through. Pass this message to other forums so that others can benefit. You can contact me at mailrael@yahoo.com.