The Final Solution
Everyone in this country pays property tax at the state level. If you don’t pay your tax, the State takes your property. Basically, it means you are paying rent on something you theoretically own, which means you don’t actually own it at all.
Who owns it? The State.
We the People are the State. If the State owns the property, then we all own it. “Property” is a concept of distinction. For example, my property is distinct from your property. But if we all own the property, then there is no distinction and, therefore, no such thing as property.
Simple logic.
But logic breaks down in the Black Box known as the Government.
Our hierarchal society is structured so that only a few people can control millions of people. Terrifying when you think about it. It wasn’t that long ago in our evolution that one person or a few people led, at most, tens of people. Has the structure of our society upgraded accordingly?
A few thousand years ago, leaders relied on direct input from their tribal members. Everyone was right there standing around a fire, giving their two cents. They could step forward and plead their case in an effort to persuade the chief, elders or other members, depending on the structure of the tribe. Then the chief or elders would make a decision, knowing full well that if they disagreed with the wrong people within the tribe, they could be cast out, killed or eaten. It made for wise decision-makers.
Now we stand in line for hours, waiting our turn to tick marks on a piece of cardboard in support of the lesser of two evils. Forty-nine percent of us can wholeheartedly disagree on which evil is less, but we can’t actually do anything about it. We can’t just stop taking part in the State or eat our leaders.
If we were tribal, we could say, “Yeah, we don’t like where you guys are going with this. We’re going this way. Best of luck.”
We could never do that with the State. Imagine that 49 percent of us decided we didn’t like the State and formed our own stateless society, with our own social structure and currency (or lack thereof.) Even if we were completely peaceful, how long do you think it would take the State to attack us? They would demand we showed ownership of the land we resided on. Even if we did that, the State would demand that we paid them taxes in currency we no longer possessed. They would demand taxes even if we had our own infrastructure, our own roads, our own hospitals, our own militia, etc. Even if we didn’t rely on them for a single thing, they would tax us for simply existing.
What if I said there was a way around that?
I propose a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to buy land for people to live on rent and tax free. The non-profit would not have to pay income or property taxes in most states and would survive solely on donations. Theoretically, we could use this model to purchase most of the “private” property in existence and create a brand new society. At least until the State changed its own law.
Erik Hamlett
Everyone in this country pays property tax at the state level. If you don’t pay your tax, the State takes your property. Basically, it means you are paying rent on something you theoretically own, which means you don’t actually own it at all.
Who owns it? The State.
We the People are the State. If the State owns the property, then we all own it. “Property” is a concept of distinction. For example, my property is distinct from your property. But if we all own the property, then there is no distinction and, therefore, no such thing as property.
Simple logic.
But logic breaks down in the Black Box known as the Government.
Our hierarchal society is structured so that only a few people can control millions of people. Terrifying when you think about it. It wasn’t that long ago in our evolution that one person or a few people led, at most, tens of people. Has the structure of our society upgraded accordingly?
A few thousand years ago, leaders relied on direct input from their tribal members. Everyone was right there standing around a fire, giving their two cents. They could step forward and plead their case in an effort to persuade the chief, elders or other members, depending on the structure of the tribe. Then the chief or elders would make a decision, knowing full well that if they disagreed with the wrong people within the tribe, they could be cast out, killed or eaten. It made for wise decision-makers.
Now we stand in line for hours, waiting our turn to tick marks on a piece of cardboard in support of the lesser of two evils. Forty-nine percent of us can wholeheartedly disagree on which evil is less, but we can’t actually do anything about it. We can’t just stop taking part in the State or eat our leaders.
If we were tribal, we could say, “Yeah, we don’t like where you guys are going with this. We’re going this way. Best of luck.”
We could never do that with the State. Imagine that 49 percent of us decided we didn’t like the State and formed our own stateless society, with our own social structure and currency (or lack thereof.) Even if we were completely peaceful, how long do you think it would take the State to attack us? They would demand we showed ownership of the land we resided on. Even if we did that, the State would demand that we paid them taxes in currency we no longer possessed. They would demand taxes even if we had our own infrastructure, our own roads, our own hospitals, our own militia, etc. Even if we didn’t rely on them for a single thing, they would tax us for simply existing.
What if I said there was a way around that?
I propose a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to buy land for people to live on rent and tax free. The non-profit would not have to pay income or property taxes in most states and would survive solely on donations. Theoretically, we could use this model to purchase most of the “private” property in existence and create a brand new society. At least until the State changed its own law.
Erik Hamlett