The human H2O molecule is surrounded by an"electron" whose orbit is in a 180 degree(half-circle)to the South. All fluids consumed have first been "forced-through metal piping" which causes their electrons to spin(orbit) to the North, like the insects molecular-rotation. To not-knowingly drink this in-correctly influenced fluid means that you are "NEGATING" your "7 year cellular rebuild cycle" and thus your early demise. To "south-spin" all fluids means that you are giving your body exactly what it needs to replenish it's own molecules correctly.
Please access the YouTube.com,then enter: A New Cure for Cancer(view). Next go to: A New Cure for Cancer and everything else.
Right now you can go to: PublishAmerica.com, scroll down to the 'search' area and enter: FARM PHYSICS:A New Cure and More!
This explains the "cause and cure" for all diseases that begin with time.
Please access the YouTube.com,then enter: A New Cure for Cancer(view). Next go to: A New Cure for Cancer and everything else.
Right now you can go to: PublishAmerica.com, scroll down to the 'search' area and enter: FARM PHYSICS:A New Cure and More!
This explains the "cause and cure" for all diseases that begin with time.