Mark Begich needs our support to help lower gas and oil prices. Until we utilize our own resources at we will not be able to lower energy prices. He is fighting to open ANWR.
He believes in the development of renewable resources.
In addition that responsible oil companies should be allowed
to drill in sensitive areas. such as shell that has spent vast amounts of money resurching spill technolies in arctic area and have never had an incidence in Alaska. So if you want gas and oil prices to be lowered. Let your state represatives know that support the opening of ANWR and the use of our local resources first.
He believes in the development of renewable resources.
In addition that responsible oil companies should be allowed
to drill in sensitive areas. such as shell that has spent vast amounts of money resurching spill technolies in arctic area and have never had an incidence in Alaska. So if you want gas and oil prices to be lowered. Let your state represatives know that support the opening of ANWR and the use of our local resources first.