The Ministry of Justice in letter 27th Jan 2010 confirmed that it also applies to Protestant Monarch that then backslides into having anything to do with the Pope and all things papist .
The letter stated that HOLY COMMUNION needed to have been had by the Protestant monarch in a Catholic Church.
However the ACT DOES NOT - it states ANY FORM OF COMMUNION - COMMUNICATION etc. The Queen first visited the Pope in 1980 both here and at the VATICAN, she had VESPERS {evening Prayers with HOLY COMMUMION ) at the main Catholic Church in Westminster in 2005, there is a British Embassy {in her majestys serice) at the Vatican{communion)
The Settlements act allows ALL CITIZENS Of BRITAIN and the Realms (commonwealth ) to be absolved of all allegiences to such a monarch, this includes typically NO paying of TAXES , not complying by court orders(as both are in Her Service) as are the Prisons!!!and any other thing that makes for a Citizen.
Being a law abiding Citizens under the SEttlements ACT as the Settlments Act is legallly binding and is the only current LAW standing given the Queens forefeiture . It means breaking all the laws passed by a Catholic or had anything to do with Catholic - Pope and Papist monarch.
Of course the Government can avoid it by calling her to abidcate or establishing a republic.
The letter stated that HOLY COMMUNION needed to have been had by the Protestant monarch in a Catholic Church.
However the ACT DOES NOT - it states ANY FORM OF COMMUNION - COMMUNICATION etc. The Queen first visited the Pope in 1980 both here and at the VATICAN, she had VESPERS {evening Prayers with HOLY COMMUMION ) at the main Catholic Church in Westminster in 2005, there is a British Embassy {in her majestys serice) at the Vatican{communion)
The Settlements act allows ALL CITIZENS Of BRITAIN and the Realms (commonwealth ) to be absolved of all allegiences to such a monarch, this includes typically NO paying of TAXES , not complying by court orders(as both are in Her Service) as are the Prisons!!!and any other thing that makes for a Citizen.
Being a law abiding Citizens under the SEttlements ACT as the Settlments Act is legallly binding and is the only current LAW standing given the Queens forefeiture . It means breaking all the laws passed by a Catholic or had anything to do with Catholic - Pope and Papist monarch.
Of course the Government can avoid it by calling her to abidcate or establishing a republic.