The cry of the day.the question of the day,the cue of the day is whether the Left Front will again return in powerhouse of Writer's Building?It is a trillion dollar question now if not then what?
Due to astrological permutation and combination of hope and fear orchrestrated by some Newspaper and News Channel,the urban people have been shaky,the rural people due to better connectivity with the Kolkata Metropolitan City and changes
in the socio-economical characteristic of Town and Villages, keping silence or diverting their views.It is media terror unleashed by some channels.
Where lies the apple of discord?
Is this the first time the terrain of terror got a domain ?
In my view,(a)No this is not the first time,the white lies chases the Communists;(b)What Bengal thinks to-day India will think to-morrow,the historical proverb,means and marks still to-day;(c)All the rightist forces joined hands this time because after defying Yankees' dictum on Nuke -deal,Left Front invited the wrath of Neo-Impirilists WTO -IMF.
(A)Communist-China was cornered decades after decades with the lies and abuses by the first-world nations and India also trumpeted the same tune after 1962.
Result : the chinese economy is not tilted by the great Melting.Chinese Socialism has been able to strengthen their mass-economic pass to penetrate in world-market.Again abused by the rightist media as China switched over to capitalism , they have never been clear and abreast that socialism can combat capitalism.Take the example of North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam the same story will come out.There was an inter national conference of Leftists,a few months back in Sao Paolo,where Mr.Sitaram Yechury delivered nice speech elabo- rating the crisis and credits of the Indian Leftists.So once Left Front Government in West Bengal is dislodged,the epi- centre of Indian Left movement will be smashed, like the nuke-centre of Japan,spoiling the environ of Indian working class struggle against American Empirialism.Indian Leftists have been facing this sort of assault from 1940 onwards when they had neither a strong party-base far from formation of provincial government'in 1951 the only Left-Government in Kerala led by Com.EMS Namboodripad was overthrown, the hisroric battle rolled down from 1967 and finally the redlettered year of 1977 arrived.In rival there was always the congress in straight or in guise.The drum beater against the Leftists were the Jugantar Anandabazar,Amritabazar & Statesman Patrika(newspaper)
(B) The panchayati raj, the land reform,the reservation of women@50%,the operation barga and the removal of feudal lords from the villages and now mass-linked industriali- zation shows India a new gateway of live-together of Mass and Capital.
(C)Now A call of unstable Indian style - A change for a change although Congress is retaining power by dint of no-change for stablity of governance.Although Japan teaches us of the malacious nuclear tragedy that the lefts were always right to go against nuke-deal.Women reservation(@30%) bill could not be placed even the lefts supported.A lot of money (more or less Rs.64000crore)of the GPF of common employees will be laundered by the national and international gamblers of share market,and the bill is anti-employee because they will not get any liberty of option.
The leftists are for the people fighting against the neo-impirilists,Open Market,Finance-capital,WTO-IMF,and their agents,Terrorism including media terrorism.Therefore the Left-Front Government of West Bengal has to be dislodged by hook or by crook.For that purpose thr rightists are using the languages of the leftists like Tomasso Marinetti of Itali(1910-1918),helping the rise of Fscist Benito Mussolini
even the maoist,if so they are in ideology,and the separatistsof Darjeeling Hills are joining hands with the party of Lady Marinetti of Bengal.
Like past this time too The people will say as veteran late comrade Jyoti Basu remindes Bengal ever.
The only rely is 8th time return.
Due to astrological permutation and combination of hope and fear orchrestrated by some Newspaper and News Channel,the urban people have been shaky,the rural people due to better connectivity with the Kolkata Metropolitan City and changes
in the socio-economical characteristic of Town and Villages, keping silence or diverting their views.It is media terror unleashed by some channels.
Where lies the apple of discord?
Is this the first time the terrain of terror got a domain ?
In my view,(a)No this is not the first time,the white lies chases the Communists;(b)What Bengal thinks to-day India will think to-morrow,the historical proverb,means and marks still to-day;(c)All the rightist forces joined hands this time because after defying Yankees' dictum on Nuke -deal,Left Front invited the wrath of Neo-Impirilists WTO -IMF.
(A)Communist-China was cornered decades after decades with the lies and abuses by the first-world nations and India also trumpeted the same tune after 1962.
Result : the chinese economy is not tilted by the great Melting.Chinese Socialism has been able to strengthen their mass-economic pass to penetrate in world-market.Again abused by the rightist media as China switched over to capitalism , they have never been clear and abreast that socialism can combat capitalism.Take the example of North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam the same story will come out.There was an inter national conference of Leftists,a few months back in Sao Paolo,where Mr.Sitaram Yechury delivered nice speech elabo- rating the crisis and credits of the Indian Leftists.So once Left Front Government in West Bengal is dislodged,the epi- centre of Indian Left movement will be smashed, like the nuke-centre of Japan,spoiling the environ of Indian working class struggle against American Empirialism.Indian Leftists have been facing this sort of assault from 1940 onwards when they had neither a strong party-base far from formation of provincial government'in 1951 the only Left-Government in Kerala led by Com.EMS Namboodripad was overthrown, the hisroric battle rolled down from 1967 and finally the redlettered year of 1977 arrived.In rival there was always the congress in straight or in guise.The drum beater against the Leftists were the Jugantar Anandabazar,Amritabazar & Statesman Patrika(newspaper)
(B) The panchayati raj, the land reform,the reservation of women@50%,the operation barga and the removal of feudal lords from the villages and now mass-linked industriali- zation shows India a new gateway of live-together of Mass and Capital.
(C)Now A call of unstable Indian style - A change for a change although Congress is retaining power by dint of no-change for stablity of governance.Although Japan teaches us of the malacious nuclear tragedy that the lefts were always right to go against nuke-deal.Women reservation(@30%) bill could not be placed even the lefts supported.A lot of money (more or less Rs.64000crore)of the GPF of common employees will be laundered by the national and international gamblers of share market,and the bill is anti-employee because they will not get any liberty of option.
The leftists are for the people fighting against the neo-impirilists,Open Market,Finance-capital,WTO-IMF,and their agents,Terrorism including media terrorism.Therefore the Left-Front Government of West Bengal has to be dislodged by hook or by crook.For that purpose thr rightists are using the languages of the leftists like Tomasso Marinetti of Itali(1910-1918),helping the rise of Fscist Benito Mussolini
even the maoist,if so they are in ideology,and the separatistsof Darjeeling Hills are joining hands with the party of Lady Marinetti of Bengal.
Like past this time too The people will say as veteran late comrade Jyoti Basu remindes Bengal ever.
The only rely is 8th time return.