Johann's Awakening, a new book by Arthur Telling published on Lulu.com ( http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/atelling ), is about a contemporary of Johathan Livingston Seagull (the 1970's bestseller by Richard Bach). After 40 years residing in the highest of all heavens, Johann has become bored and is without direction. The Lord comes to him in the image of a child and tells him all the thing's he's done wrong. Johann ultimately comes to understand his true purpose (being the best isn't really the answer -- the answer is to rise above the stories and see the world as symbolic language). It's a great read with deep philosophical insights. The photos of seagulls are magnificant.
Here's the product page for buying the book (kindle version exists too)
www.arthurtelling.com has the same links too
Here's the product page for buying the book (kindle version exists too)
www.arthurtelling.com has the same links too