I learned Russian about 25 years ago, and was good enough, but then I forgot almost everything.
Now, I'm trying to learn again, and met with some people in Russia who are helping me, while I help them with their English or their French.
Anyway, twice did one my friends tell me something that I understood, but didn't understand the grammar subtleties behind them.
Those are:
1) "Русский друг есть друг французскому другу"
Here, I don't understand the use of "ЕСТЬ" nor the use of the dative. If I had tried to say the same thing, I would have said "Русский друг - друг французскОГО другА"???
2) "Нас 4 человека в командировке" There, I don't understand the use of the genitive...
I learned Russian about 25 years ago, and was good enough, but then I forgot almost everything.
Now, I'm trying to learn again, and met with some people in Russia who are helping me, while I help them with their English or their French.
Anyway, twice did one my friends tell me something that I understood, but didn't understand the grammar subtleties behind them.
Those are:
1) "Русский друг есть друг французскому другу"
Here, I don't understand the use of "ЕСТЬ" nor the use of the dative. If I had tried to say the same thing, I would have said "Русский друг - друг французскОГО другА"???
2) "Нас 4 человека в командировке" There, I don't understand the use of the genitive...