I was there, 16 hours after The truck driver, I think R. denny was his name was assaulted. My Team was activated by the D.O.J. and the president authorised Federal Forces to enter into the City of Los Angeles, Armed. We arrived at San Pedro Bay, and Terminal Island Federal Prison where we had a staging area. It was a surreal experience for sure. We Patrolled around 18 hours a day for about 10 days and assisted the Los Angeles police forces in getting the 'hardcore' neighborhoods 'back in order' the people for the most part welcomed us and appreciated the assistance and security we provided. What I didnt expect was all the homeless people, the utter destruction, burned out buildings and homes, lawlessness. There were also groups of poeple who were running around armed or hunkered down in their homes waiting for either 'battle' or looters. It was pretty exciting at times! Eddie out